I believe strongly that people can and do change. However, often - TopicsExpress


I believe strongly that people can and do change. However, often the ones that want to convince you that they have changed are not the ones who have done such a good job at it. I think that we go through phases in our lives as well as maturing (or not). While some are stuck in particular belief systems, say politics, every once in a while they have an Ah Ha moment and see the issue from another vantage point. Or they become more openminded - or closed minded.People often convert from one religion or another to decide to go for atheism, etc. Some are influenced by their families and friends, but when they are on their own they become more themselves. Individuals can recover from addictions and this often impacts their behavior and life outlook. Workers may be in the wrong job for them and excel in a new field. Students who have a terrible time in school may just find the teacher or setting that clicks and they become new learners.Others, like Grandpa Maobe, e.g., become artists in their old age - perhaps not even knowing that they had this talent earlier. Unfortunately we are very influenced by our environment - and often when in Rome do as the Romans prevails. We can move from this setting and change our mindset. Getting in with the wrong crowd can cause less favorable traits in us to emerge, but once away from these influences, a different self appears.I am ever hopeful of change. So many folks are afraid of change and dont do it for the good.Others can regress and lose their special traits by changing into a more negative individual........
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 14:03:35 +0000

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