I believe that God puts people in our lives for a reason. It might - TopicsExpress


I believe that God puts people in our lives for a reason. It might be for their ability to teach us, or to comfort us and sometimes to inspire us. Many times we dont know why they come into our lives, but their presence will be made clear soon. We had the privilege of having a women do just that. Two years or so ago,a wonderful women named Bunny came to us. Bunny is the mother of our daughter in law, Nicole. Bunny and Charley came to live in Florida. For us it was the perfect time because Jon was going through his cancer treatments, bunny was ALWAYS there, be it a phone call or kind words of encouragement. Bunny was there even while going through her own personal issues as her beloved Charley had passed but bunny was still everyones elses Ray of hope and sunshine. So today we will celebrate Bunnys new journey to Maryland to be with her other daughter, husband, and the joy of her life, her granddaughter. It would be selfish of us to have her stay here when she is needed elsewhere. These last two years have been wonderful and I dont know how we would have gotten through so many of these things with out your constant words of encouragement, your laughter, and your love of life. So today is Bunny Okun day. You have touched the lives of more people than you will ever know and I want to thank you for that. We know you will only ever be a phone call away and I want to let you know we love you and you will always hold a special place in our hearts. YOU ROCKED OUR WORLD BUNNY OKUN. GOOD LUCK AND KEEP US POSTED WITH LOTS OF PICS. Thanks for coming into our lives and being our friend.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 14:43:34 +0000

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