I believe that a man who hits a woman is a coward and a creep, - TopicsExpress


I believe that a man who hits a woman is a coward and a creep, there is just no excuse. Beating children to the point that it leaves open sores and other marks is also something that, to me, reflects a real problem with character. That said, we must look deeply into the NFL scandal and ask ourselves why we would be surprised that men who have been rewarded for being overly aggressive, who are paid very large sums of money to confront anything they encounter on the field with overwhelming force, to be meek and mild, understanding and docile when they arent on the field. You cant just turn it on or off. If you like smash mouth hard hitting football and cheer when a player hits another hard - or at least condones it - you are part of the problem. Im not saying that games like football (I refuse to call professional athletics sports because they are the opposite of sporting, they are businesses) should be banned or that they are wrong, but we have to admit that glorifying someone for violent behavior in one part of their lives and damning it in another is hypocritical. We damned Catholic priests for abusing children - and rightly so - not just because of the heinous behaviors but because it was absolutely opposed to what they stood for professionally - this is the other side of the coin; pay people to be violent and they cant turn it off. Sorry, but if you are ready for some football you need to expect this to happen, not in all cases, but in too many. Its human nature. So sad, there are consequences to everything we do - we hate to think about them and often refuse to admit it, but that doesnt change a thing.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 12:26:40 +0000

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