I believe that the revelation of God’s New Covenant will be the - TopicsExpress


I believe that the revelation of God’s New Covenant will be the one message in these last days that will set people free from sin’s dominion. Yes, wickedness is going to abound more now than the world has ever seen. But God will bring forth the truth of His New Covenant to free his people. We may have forgotten the truth over and over again. But our Lord hasn’t, and He never will. Right now He’s looking on us as He looked on Israel in Egypt. And once again He is coming to deliver His people through covenant. Hosanna…Hosanna to the King!!!!! Let’s talk about the story of a boy who became king, who came to the throne of Judah at 16 years of age. His name was Uzziah. In Hebrew that means “strength with God.” This king, even as a small boy, was a seeker after God. And scripture tells us in 2 Chron. 26:5, “…as long as he sought the Lord, God made him prosper.” Uzziah’s mother was named Jecoliah, meaning “God will enable.” Jecoliah was a godly woman who taught her son God’s ways in his early childhood. Another powerful influence in Uzziah’s life was the prophet Zechariah. This righteous man was a contemporary of the prophet Isaiah. Scripture says in verse 5 that Zechariah, “…had understanding in the visions of God…” Zechariah was a very devout, prophetic man of God who served the Lord faithfully as long as he lived. No doubt, he also taught Uzziah the ways of the Lord. And, scripture says, “the boy sought God in the days of Zechariah.” The Bible makes a very simple but important statement about Uzziah. It says in verse 7, “God helped him…” God prospered this man mightily and Uzziah became one of the most powerful, successful kings of his day, reigning over Judah for fifty-two years. And throughout those years, scripture says, “he continued to seek the Lord.” We read that he wiped out all idolatry from the land, and this added to his fame. There was something different about Uzziah. He had a strong character—and it was clearly because God’s Word had been imbedded in his heart from his childhood. His caring mother and the godly prophet Zechariah had seen to that. Yet, after five decades of walking faithfully before the Lord and calling on God’s name, Uzziah experienced something tragic. At the very peak of his strength—“Uzziah transgressed against the Lord.” Verse 16 says, “But when he was strong, his heart was lifted up, to his destruction, for he transgressed against the Lord his God by entering the temple of the Lord to burn incense on the altar of incense.”
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 13:12:03 +0000

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