I believe the moms and dads of the ill children should take a - TopicsExpress


I believe the moms and dads of the ill children should take a stand on telling what has gone on in Ohio. I understand why they wont, because I was once a single mom with a stage 4 cancer diagnosis of my juvenile son. There is no hell on earth as the one realizing what you are up against. Hoodlems. Psst. Yeah right like we give a damn. I realize the unknown element has employed mafiaesk techniques in Ohio, but actually think them mafia pretenders. For 5 total years I visited my son, a stage 4 cancer patient in KY prisons for theft. During those years he met men fist to fist and was xferred to other jails. Anything to get them out of their jurisdiction. Whatever. There is no jury that will ever bring down what parents of terminal children face. Ohhhh so scary. Not. You dont even register on the radar even if you are the prize hoodlum in your community. Nada. Doesnt register. I realize why parents associated with Ohio Rights Group dont want to report to the attorney general. However, if you ever want to put the truth out there please ping me if you need backup. I hear you. Been where you are. Will back you up.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 02:49:54 +0000

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