I believe this word is for many who were at Burn, so Ive shared it - TopicsExpress


I believe this word is for many who were at Burn, so Ive shared it here. Plz take a minute to read. Blessings! Kent Simpson: Do You Feel Dull of Hearing? Hear and Obey or Go Your Own Way Jesus is not dead. He is alive and He is speaking to you and me. The problem is that many become dull of hearing. We have become so involved in what the world has to offer with all of its noise, its propaganda, and its advertisements that it has become difficult to know Gods perfect will for our lives. Though the Holy Spirit is always trying to speak to us over the noise of this world, and He wants to tell us whats to come in our future – if we will only hear Him. One of the ways God speaks to us is by revealing His will through personal prophecy from a prophet, things about which only God would know because no other would know the persons situation. How will we be able to know except there is one given to us to hear God for us? By hearing a prophecy from a prophet or prophetic minister, you will have the unction and desire to hear God for yourself. Hearing His Spirit Within Your Spirit God is speaking, Spirit to spirit. Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God (Romans 8:26-27). (Photo via Pixabay) The disciples said to Jesus, Speak plainly, we do not understand, for You speak in parables and sayings that are confusing (paraphrased). If the disciples walked with Jesus in the flesh, eye to eye, and yet they could not comprehend what Jesus was saying, how much more difficult is it for you and me? We who are born of the Spirit must hear him who is Spirit. It is a challenge. It is not something you can just begin to do. It has to happen to you before you begin to understand. And when it happens to you, you will have a choice. You will have a choice of whether to hear and obey or to go your own way. Obedience Is the Way It is not sacrifice or works that God wants from us, but it is our obedience of what He wants us to do. It is through obedience that all of the blessings of God come to us. Were you not called by God to confess Jesus to be His only begotten Son and Lord and Savior for all mankind? Was it not by the conviction of the Holy Spirit that you knew within yourself that you were a sinner? It was only when the Holy Spirit came to you and spoke to you – that gave you the choice to receive Him as Lord and Savior, or not to receive Him. Did you know that the Holy Spirit wants to speak to you today? He wants to speak to you and tell you about all the good things He wants to do in your life. He also wants to give you instruction so that you can receive all the blessings that He has in store for you. The Lord wants you to pray, hear, and obey. How else will you know what you are to do for Jesus and His Kingdom? (Photo via Freeimages) Jesus said He did nothing by His own authority. He only did what He saw the Father do and spoke only what the Father told Him to say. That is the Christian way! Jesus knew how to follow the Father because His instructions were written on the tablets of Jesus heart by the very finger of God (see Proverbs 7:3). Did you know that God wants to seal His instructions on the tablets of YOUR heart? And He will do it when you begin to fervently pray, hear, and obey. The Yo-Yo Way Many people fail to receive the things of God because of three primary reasons: 1) They refuse to take the time to pray asking the Holy Spirit what He desires them to do; 2) After they have prayed and received the word of the Lord, they do not seek Him for confirmation and fail to know His timing when start; 3) They step out into their own decisions, failing to obey the instructions He has given them, only to find everything falling apart as they attempt to do it their own way or the way they think best. We enter this yo-yo experience if God has asked us to do something that we do not want to do and we then take our lives back and want to do it our own way. Its like we are stomping through His Blood at the Cross when we take back the life we supposedly gave Him. Whose life is it anyway? God said, My servants will humble themselves and pray. Give yourself unto to Me and watch what I shall do for you. But you have to be willing to go all the way. No matter what the cost or fears you may have! (Photo via Wikimedia Commons) Most people today unfortunately want Christ only for prosperity, a mate, and a fine life. That is not the proper exchange. You must give Him your whole life for whatever He wants to do with you. It does not matter if you suffer in the process, because you will suffer in the name of Christ. What a great reward that is in store for those who suffer in His name. The outcome is His. When He is through with your life, you will be much more complete and your life will be better than you could ever imagine! However the devil would have you believe our Heavenly Father will ask too much of you. I tell you the truth, satan is a liar and the truth cannot be found in him, for he is the father of lies. Do not believe him! There are things He wants to bring out of us. There are things that He wants to strip from us. He wants to turn that mirror and let us see how He sees us and how others look at us. When we have truly given our lives to Him, we will find ourselves blessed far greater than one could ever imagine. Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor Prophetic Ministries Today Email: [email protected] Website: propheticministries.org Kent Simpson is a prophetic pastor and is the founder and senior pastor of Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle
Posted on: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 14:26:54 +0000

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