I believe we are about to pay the Ultimate Price for allowing - TopicsExpress


I believe we are about to pay the Ultimate Price for allowing ourselves to live under Secret and Lies. JFK is still known as the last President to tell the Truth. Thats over 50 years of Half-Truths and Full-out Lies coming from our Presidents. They are under Oath and it is time for The People to hold them to it. The Truth is the Word of God, it should have been the only acceptable answer from the start. I believe we are living on big Secret Covered-up Lie and its about to blow up in our face. I believe most of the World, including Russia, knows we are living a Lie. In 2014, we are Bankrupt and on the verge of a Nuclear WW III with a President that we dont even know Who he is or Where he was born. If anyone thinks all our problems arrived with our current President, Whats His Name born in Who Knows Where, they dont know what the problem is. I believe the Skulls and Bones Secret Society Bush Evil Empire Pulled off 9/11, which allowed them to create False Flag Wars. The Election after 9/11 (2004) was Skulls and Bones Bush 43 vs Skulls and Bones John Kerry. No Outsiders allowed to uncover Inside Job? In 2014, we have a Skulls and Bones Secret Society SECRETary of State doing the Negotiating a Nuclear WW III on our behalf while we are Broke, mainly the result of 9/11 and Wars. How can we fight a World War when were broke? We cant, we will lose by Default. The Plot? I believe the 2004 Election proves our Elections are Rigged. Just like the Buildings on 9/11. Just like everything living in this sick and twisted God-forsaken so-called Christian Nation living under Secrets and Lies being Ruled by the Root of all Evil that has touched every Branch of our so-called Government in the District of Corruption. The 2004 Election also proves the two Partys are really one. One New World Order, as promised by Skulls and Bones Bush 41. Hitler also promised a New World Order. Goes with Skulls and Bones Bush 41 being the Son of Skulls and Bones Prescott Bush, his Royal War Pig Banks were shut down for Funding the Nazis. We allowed the Son and Grandson of the Banker to the Nazis to become President. What could possibly go wrong? Everything! The President in between the the Skulls and Bones Bushs was Slick Willy. He announced his Adoption into the Skulls and Bones Nazi Funding Bush Family from the steps of the Skulls Bones Bush 43 Library. Since Slick Willy Bush is still somehow still married, it makes if Hillary Rodham Clinton Bush. Remember that in 2016, if we are still around to see it. Or, there is no Election because our current President is the Leader of the New World Order. Which, means The End of America. I have seen where Slick Willy Bush and our current President are Products of the Skulls and Bones Bush 41s Secret CIA. Skulls and Bones Bush 41 led our Secret CIA. Osama Bin-Laden was a CIA Trained Operative. The Saudi Royal Bin-Laden Family and Skulls and Bones Nazi Finding Bush Family were Business Partners. I believe they are in the Business to destroy America, just like any Royal Nazi would. Our Government created and built our Arch-Enemy Al-Qaeda when Skulls and Bones Bush 41 was VP. Al-Qaeda has been the Scapegoat to Sheep Nation ever since. When all else fails, blame Al-Qaeda. Is Al-Qaeda Secret Code Name for CIA? Is NSA Secret Code Name for Nazi Spy Agency? Nazi Germany was called The Homeland. Reminds me of the Security that rose out of the Ashes of 9/11. We have now been labeled the Homeland by many of our so-called Leaders. Some have even included Canada and Mexico into the Homeland. Misery love Company. Whos Homeland have we become, is the question. Skulls and Bones Bush 41 gave New World Order Speeches on 9/11 a Decade earlier. Many of our so-called Leaders have spoke of the New World Order that Hitler and Skulls and Bones Bush 41 promised. They are talking about The End in my Book. The New World Order is part of the Book of Revelation in the Bible = The End. Goes with the Message I have received from above. I believe the Message of the Spirit of Truth (John 16:13) is: The Truth or The End. The People must stand and demand The Truth starting with 9/11, Wars, and New World Order. Its Now or Never. The Truth will set US free (John 8:32). Free at last. Free at last. i believe we are under the Rule of the very people we Declared our Independence from in 1776. The Royal Family of Liars along with their Royal War Pig Bankers. I believe they disguise themselves as Elite Secret Societys of the New World Order who have purchased a Secret Shadow Government to destroy US from within using the Members of Skulls and Bones Secret Society as their Hit-Men. While I believe the Assassination of JFK and 9/11 were Mass Conspiracies and Mass Cover-ups, includes Mass Media, of the Ruling Royal Elite Secret Societys of the New World Order, i believe Skulls and Bones Bush 41 is the Common Denominator. Since America did not stand for The Truth on JFK, 9/11 followed Decades later. Problems dont go away, the get bigger. Whats next? A Nuclear Bomb? Everything that America stood for, has been lost. Because, The People refuse to stand for The Truth. The Truth has become the Enemy of this Nation, living under Secrets and Lies while being Ruled by the root of all evil. The Truth has been turned into a Conspiracy Theory. The Truth is the Word of God. Guessing, God will be the next Enemy and Conspiracy Theory. Wake Up! Know Your Enemy. Take The Power Back! We are our own worst Enemy. We promised never to forget 9/11 and its time to pay up. I believe we are about to pay the Ultimate Price standing at the side of Israel under Secrets and Lies. A Scenario similar to The End Story in the Bible. While our Rulers can keep Secrets and tell US Lies, God knows all. I believe he has seen and heard enough. I believe God is wanting The People to stand for his Word now. Tomorrow is not promised. Its Do or Die Time as far as Im concerned. I would rather die standing for the Word of God, then die bowing down to Secrets and Lies. By allowing ourselves to live under the Rule of the Royal Nazis, death is all but assured anyways. But, when youve got nothing, youve got nothing to lose. When you have no secrets, you have nothing to conceal. I believe this so-called Nation has plenty to conceal and that is why we have nothing. If anyone thinks we have anything, subtract $17,500,000,000,000 and tell me again. How doe it feel? Like A Rolling Stone, the Story of My Life. I will continue to write, standing for the Word of God, until I hear The Truth. Or, die trying. Just like JFK, my Namesake. Just like Joan of Arc, my Bloodline. Just like Jesus, my Savior. If all of them were willing to die standing for the Word of God, so am I. The Truth or The End cant come soon enough for me. The Truth will come One Way Or The Other. I believe if The People do not stand soon, God will send his only Son back to tell US the Truth. But, it will be too late. We will have failed the Test of Time from above. The People did not stand for the Word of God. Stand now or forever hold our peace. As in, RIP. True Believers standing for the Word of God should not be afraid to die, they go to Heaven in my Book. Standing for the Word of God also gives US our best chance of living, it brings Eternal Life. People can choose to believe me or not. Life is full of choices. But, I believe God makes the Final Choices for US. The Truth or The End is our Final Choice in my Book. See my entire facebook page, its my Book - Change 2014. It follows Change 2013 and Change 2012. PS: Dont shoot the Messenger. Peace.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 21:49:35 +0000

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