I believe we need to vote everyone out of office, replace them - TopicsExpress


I believe we need to vote everyone out of office, replace them with real US citizens/patriots, like veterans. We need to start choosing and vetting among ourselves...we will not accept anyone put out by the parties....because these people are already owned by the superrich who already own most of the worlds economy and governments. Then we remove the U,.S,. Supreme Court and pick new patriotic people, people who have served in the wars. Then we remove all those from the agencies and fill those positions with hard working people, not the top 5%. We then get the IRS to go after all the superrich who have avoided paying their share of taxes through off shore incorporation, off shore trust funds, 30 yr delay in pay because their companies covered them (well, the consumer and taxpayer really paid during those 30 years); we need to rid our government of the electoral college, the jerrymandering that goes on after every cernsus; and everyone serving the country in elected offices shall live like the rest of us....example pay for their own meals when they go out to eat, pay for their own transportation, pay for their own vacations (we will supply the security where necessary); no more payments to busninesses that really are profit making businesses and not the nonprofits they say they are like ALEC (which is a dirty secret business deal between corporations and government), make them pay for their own health care or get in to Obamacare!!!, pay for their own 401Ks (no more private pensions). Lets end wars.....lets use any money we have to rebuild lives with health care, food, shelter, education, clean water; undo all trade agreements.....let each person make their own but it must be a fair/just trade and not exploiting workers or environments. Enact stringent regulations like Iceland did, and go after all the bad guys and put them in the jails.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 18:54:00 +0000

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