I borrowed the artwork of the multi-colored dove from my friend, - TopicsExpress


I borrowed the artwork of the multi-colored dove from my friend, Kimberly Ann Black, as I wanted to do a mini-teaching on how to cultivate the Seer gift. When we have been mobilized, our steps are purposed to discover how and where God and His Kingdom are intimately interwoven in our daily lives. The daily choices that we make are purposed to reveal how to abide in Christ so that He is fully formed in us. With an understanding that our choices are purposed to form Christ in us, we can expect this same Life to Light our path towards greater Life choices. A Bride will not join herself to another. She will wait for the appointed times that the Bridegroom appears in how HE makes Himself manifest to fulfill His Word and purposes to her and in her. For this reason, we need to know how to develop the Seer gift. The Seer comes out of the Prophets (Eph. 4:11), and this gift empowers us to SEE (perceive and discern) what comes from above to separate light from the darkness that comes from below. The very first Light that we begin to see is white (glory). As we continue to grow in the Abundant Life that Christ came to give us, we begin seeing new spiritual colors that reveal Gods multi-faceted wisdom, character, and nature. First, we need to know the Word of God to stand upon so that faith forms in relationship to how we begin to experience God. John 15:4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. Galatians 4:19 My children, with whom I am again in labor until Christ is formed in you— The first photo shows a person centered under a Rainbow. The Rainbow represents Gods first covenant and this is a message of abiding. The second photo is of a multi-colored dove showing the many depths and dimensions of God. These things are only revealed to us where we remain in the Holy Spirit through words, deeds, and actions. Christ is only revealed and manifest through the Holy Spirit. For this reason, we learn to divide soul from spirit so that we continually grow our spirit man in how to govern our soul life. All color is Light. Even before our eyes become formed to see new horizons, our ears begin hearing new pitches and frequencies of sound that comes from heaven. This is an outward manifestation of the spirit that we sometimes experience in the natural. If the sounds becomes louder, then watch your steps and check yourself to make sure you are Christ centered in your thoughts, words, and actions! Do regular word fasts on what comes out of your mouth, especially in times of transition. Your words can defile the anointing and the grace that you carry. The more we learn to take care of our own anointing, the more discerning we become of the whole body of Christ. That is all. Happy Awakening! I know that some of you have already had this gift formed in you. Please feel free to share!
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 15:53:46 +0000

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