I bow to the winds that carry fragrance sent by - TopicsExpress


I bow to the winds that carry fragrance sent by Guruji----- Chapter-63 All interesting things happen when Guruji wills them-they come to us in way of co-incidents—and such things are happening even after The Mahasmadhi I went to the birth place of Guruji for a pilgrimage on 1-3-2009. I bowed before the photograph of Guruji in all thankfulness. Then after sitting there for some time, I thought of going to pay my respect to Bapuji, Guruji’s father. When I entered the room I found that there were three chairs which were occupied by the devotees. All of them got up to give me the seat but I told them that they should not bother as I would prefer to sit on the floor. Meanwhile, another chair was brought and I sat on it. While talking about various Satsangs, I told them how I passed my birthday on 16-11-2008 in the Annual congregation at Gurgaon. On my left, a devotee was sitting and she remarked that her birthday fell on 15th Nov. Another very interesting thing happened that the gentleman sitting on my right said that his birthday fell on 17th Nov. Thus Guruji made us sit in a very right sequence i.e.; 15th Nov—16th Nov.---17th and three of us sitting in ascending order. Soon another surprise was waiting us. I had to get a photograph of Guruji’s birthplace and sitting in the car I narrated the incident to Sh Anil Kumar of Jalandhar. He very cheerfully said that his own birthday fell on 18th Nov. Thus the sequence of 15-16-17-18 was made. Once again it happened so that Mrs. Roop Lal of 15th Nov. was first in the series, then myslf born on 16th Nov then Vikas from Noida born on 17th Nov and Mr Anil Kumar sitting next to him born on 18th Nov. Thus once again Guruji made us sit in an ascending manner of 15-16-17-18 in the prayer Hall as well. On coming back to Jalandhar we found that there was another round. Mrs Roop Lal, myself and Varun all sitting together--were again in the series of 15th Nov—16TH Nov – 17th Nov. This is one of the incidents ordained by our dear and revered Guruji. Who else can know us so well and who else can make His devotees sit in that manner except Guruji? His arrangements are so wonderful and so very interesting! Jalandhar----3-4-2009 It has happened in very rare cases in my life that Guruji said something but would get something else done. I always knew that only Guruji’s will has to prevail. Some times the rays of Guruji are exactly on the person opposite to you. I repeatedly assert that Guruji is of those who are clear hearted and have given up their pride and are humble and selfless and pray to Him and love Him and know that they belong to Him and also of those who perform their responsibilities to the greatest extent possible. In each of our action we should remain under His awe. He does give us good time but we should not be regardless of our responsibilities towards Him, towards our family and society at large. He changes the positions-------kings into beggars -----and beggars into kings-----LIFE AFTER LIFE-----He sees and watches our actions and reactions. Our actions should be such as that----we should get better life than this one after we leave. One can well imagine what hellish position it would be if we get worse life than this------. While living this life we should not forget that we have to live unlimited number of lives until He gets us free from this cycle of life and death---and this cycle is not without all sorts of pains. Therefore we should pray to Him to get us involved in such actions that can ultimately relieve us from this cycle-----and bring us to the position of Moksh----a thing for which all Sadhus and Sants have aspired for. We should not forget that we are often put on the chess board ------and----also to act on our own as well many times-----but when a beloved of His falters He gets him put again at the proper place-------to show to the world what is good and what is bad. We should recognize Him---the Mightiest of Might. He is an object of worship ---not a bit less than that. Guruji has revealed Himself in innumerable ways---but still there are people whose top priority is to be free from their problems of this life---they go from pillar to post just for the solution of their problems---physical----mental----psychological---and financial------but the solution to everything depends on the mood of Revered Guruji. My Guruji has taught me to see Him from among the devotees----He has been showing me His glimpses by sending His rays----I do recognize Him at such moments and feel blessed. As it was before----the fact remains so until today-seeing and accosting Him in any one whosoever is in front of me -----Guruji confirms it by sending fragrance----- इसी विध गुरूजी मुझे आप दिओ दिखाए --I think that is the tradition of Guruji and His devotees. My dears--when Gurujis rays touch us---our every element of us is rejuvenated--- Guruji does not have to go to any single person. Guruji does not have to assimilate Himself with anyone or into any persons body----He has no need for it ----because He can speak His wish to many persons at a time without entering into a body. Guruji does it by His powerful rays. Guruji does not have to assimilate Himself with anyone or into any persons body-----He has no need for it ----because He can send fragrance of more than thousand types to shower His blessings to many persons at a time through His powerful rays. Guruji does not have to assimilate Himself with anyone or into any persons body-----He has no need for it ----because He can remind to us things---lost in the remotest part of our minds by getting us connected with Him through His rays. Guruji does not have to assimilate Himself with anyone or into any persons body-----He has no need for it ----because He can give Divine Darshan through creating His images wherever He likes through His powerful rays. Guruji does not have to assimilate Himself with anyone or into any persons body-----He has no need for it ----because He can give Darshan of His physical vesture that He has left years back. You can see Him walking. Guruji does not have to assimilate Himself with anyone or into any persons body-----He has no need for it ----because He can give Darshan in dreams through His powerful rays. Guruji does not have to assimilate Himself with anyone or into any persons body----He has no need for it ----because His powerful rays in an instant cure us of dreadful maladies. Guruji does not have to assimilate Himself with anyone or into any persons body-----He has no need for it ----because He is omnipresent and omniscient----He is within us and also envelops us. Guruji does not have to assimilate Himself with anyone or into any persons body-----He has no need for it ----because we can feel His rays touching us and giving us positive energy. Guruji does not have to assimilate Himself with anyone or into any persons body-----He has no need for it ----because He sends vibrations and removes tiredness of body and mind. Guruji does not have to assimilate Himself with anyone or into any persons body-----He has no need for it ----because He suggests solutions of our problems when we pass into a dhyan in His Mandir. It is all done through powerful rays. Guruji does not have to assimilate Himself with anyone or into any persons body-----He has no need for it ----because He gives all of us health—wealth and happiness. Guruji does not have to assimilate Himself with anyone or into any persons body-----He has no need for it ----because when we are crying He makes us laugh and we are not aware how and when we pass from sad mood into a joyful one. Guruji does not have to assimilate Himself with anyone or into any persons body-----He has no need for it ----because He often changes our taste---He makes tasty things tasteless ---tasteless things full of taste. Guruji does not have to assimilate Himself with anyone or into any persons body-----He has no need for it ----because He often sends appetizing rays and we feel so hungry instantaneously that we unaware overeat. Guruji does not have to assimilate Himself with anyone or into any persons body-----He has no need for it ----because He gives energy to work through His rays. Guruji does not have to assimilate Himself with anyone or into any persons body---- He has no need for it ----because forgetting our age we enjoy life as if we were small children. Guruji does not have to assimilate Himself with anyone or into any persons body-----He has no need for it ----His inexhaustible reservoir of Divinity brings untold of joys and blessings. Guruji does not have to assimilate Himself with anyone or into any persons body----He has no need for it ----because we know that in living this life---- we feel as if we live in heaven. Guruji does not have to assimilate Himself with anyone or into any persons body---- He has no need for it ----because He is God of Gods. He blesses us in a way no other God or His Avtar has ever done. Guruji does not have to assimilate Himself with anyone or into any persons body---- He has no need for it ----because He is so far away from us still is so near us ----enthroned in the most sanctified part of our mind. I worship Him----because there is none like Him. Every devotee of Guruji thinks that Guruji wholly and solely was and even now is---his alone----because of His unimaginable spiritual reservoir from which He showered love and blessings upon each individual beyond any limit. The moment we come out of that ignorance-----and stop living in our own fashioned world of ivory shell and stop being frogs in the well------we have a new realization that it has been a stroke of rare good luck that we have found connectivity with our Revered and dear Guruji. I realize that Guruji is not my Guruji alone. -----He is our Guruji----He is the Guruji of the most humble of His devotees----. So many devotees keep bringing themselves in His fold. I am amazed to see those who have not seen Him are also equally possessive of Him. It only throws light on one fact that His love for His devotees is beyond bounds. If He loves His devotees so much why should we not extend our loving hand towards those whom He loves? Why should we segregate ourselves from others and not sing together in His praise. It is a very simple equation for all of them who are beloved of Guruji----if you are beloved of my Guruji----I should love you all the more. Our ultimate destination is the same. We do not have Guruji physically with us. But we can see Guruji in the eyes of devotees whether they are chiding us or are full of love for us according to our karmas----and Guruji’s instant reaction to our karmas. I may be well educated or less educated----but my wisdom must teach me that I should love all beloved of----our Guruji----we should never falter in this way due to our selfishness of any type. It is a hard fact of our lives now that each Sangat member is Guruji’s part -----all in One---and One in all. It is high time that we should give preference to our love for Guruji than Guruji’s love for us---- JAI GURUJI
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 02:25:17 +0000

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