I bring to you all a message of the heart, My Heart! There are so - TopicsExpress


I bring to you all a message of the heart, My Heart! There are so many of you suffering in despair and turmoil without rhyme nor reason. I ask that you who find yourselves in these dark places to learn to STEP BACK! Step back and Ask yourself how or who put you in a state to allow this to occur. You come from no other place than that of LOVE! Collect yourselves enough to remember this. I love you all as that is all that I AM! Im NOT perfect NOR do I claim to be! But, I have learned how to radiate my light so brilliantly that darkness runs In the other direction as I approach. It cannot hide from me...I understand that I AM COMPLETELY Guided, Protected and Watched Over by My Guides, My Guardian Angels, As well as The Ascended Masters, Archangels and The Myriad of High Vibrational Light Entities that flow the me in the meditational channel of Ebb and Flow 24/7! We all have the ability to reach this...it is a Grand Place of Loving Grace! I ask that you allow yourselves to TRUST IN YOURSELVES FIRST AND FOREMOST! No One can determine your happiness other then You! There ARE NO VICTIMS, only WILLING PARTICIPANTS! Step free from The Lion Tamers Whip! Step out of The Flock and int Your Truths, Your Reality...YOUR HAPPINESS! Learn to Go With The Flow Friends! The Universal Flow of Spiritual Love and Compassion! Be IN The Flow...The Flow of All that is You! For when we are not Flowing we are Blocking... Blocking that which is of our best interest, Our Higher Good. Learn to recognize The Flow or to be in Your Instinctual Presence of Self and learn to live in all that is of you, of your reality! The Love of The Heavens and Earth await for you to join in the high vibrations of their loving Grace! 🙏Om Shanti Om🙏 ✨🙏Namaste🙏✨ 🙏~~SAT NAM~~🙏 ✨🙏 Gregory 🙏✨ 🙏Om Shanti Om🙏
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 18:07:46 +0000

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