I called a feminist My lady as an expression of respect and high - TopicsExpress


I called a feminist My lady as an expression of respect and high regards. She felt offended. Another woman stepped in the conversation and told me not to use that expression at all when talking to a woman. When I explained to the first woman that I didnt mean any offense by my lady, she said I either mean an offense by it, or I time-traveled from 1800s when that expression was used to address noble women. I tried again to explain that I dont care what the modern meaning is (which is widely used by trolls on the internet), and that I had no intention to offend her, moreover, I used my lady for its original meaning, I even Googled My lady meaning and sent her the result given by Google (and all world Dictionaries) which is a polite form of address to certain noblewomen.. She wasnt convinced and implied that if I want my words to convey their meanings without having to explain them, I should not use my lady at all when addressing a woman. So now, I guess Ill have to carry a dictionary with me and explain why I called someone my lady. Then, to make things worse, a third woman stepped in the conversation and accused me of trying to shut down womens voices, and that I have a problem with women. Weird .. My mom is a Woman and I wish I had a sister. Moral of the story, this is what I think is wrong with #Feminism and some people labeling themselves with it, they are itchy, easily irritated, stubborn and if you try to express a different opinion from theirs, they jump to conclusions about who you are, how you think, and what you ate for breakfast. And youll never win the debate. They strum on the most sensitive string of them all, which is womens rights, despite you having no problem with women, or their rights.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 17:51:51 +0000

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