I came across this post yesterday and I knew I needed to share it - TopicsExpress


I came across this post yesterday and I knew I needed to share it in this group. This is a tragedy but some good can come of it. I have removed the names and replaced them with letters for each individual. I did not alter the comments in any way. Please help reeducate people about pitbulls. They are NOT all vicious. A very small percentage are.. and that is because of the OWNERS, NOT the dogs. I DO NOT want this to end up in a ban on the breed. I DO NOT want this to end up with people thinking it is OKAY to shoot a pitbull just because you THINK it is vicious. You can also view the castanet article here: castanet.net/edition/news-story-120312-1-.htm#120312 Give a Dog a Home - Okanagan A. Our beautiful German Shepherd got killed by three vicious dogs in the Joe Riche Area Wed. The three dogs came back today...We are doing everything to get justice for my sweet girl. We were not ready to say good bye. I love you Kaysha. You will never be forgotten Our beautiful German Shepherd got killed by three vicious dogs in the Joe Riche Area Wed. The three dogs came back today...We are doing everything to get justice for my sweet girl. We were not ready to say good bye. I love you Kaysha. You will never be forgotten B. How tragic. I am sorry to hear that. Take care of your hearts. A. thank you and we are trying. We are doing everything we can to get justice for our girl. C. Omg thats so sad. Rcmp spca dog control. If they dont do anything take it to the media. A. dog patrol came and we have photos of the dogs that attacked her because the dogs came back. he said all we can do is spread the word until they find the owner. i contacted castanet they are doing a write up and kelly hayes will be calling me monday D. Hope you get some closure. So sorry for your loss. I know a loved pet is like a family member. I hope they find the owner and in the meantime no other dogs or anything are hurt/killed. C. Dog control should have apprehended those dogs immediately A. me too, if these dogs can easily take down a full grown german shepherd they can easily take down a child or another pet. i hope these dogs get taken before anyone has to deal with what we have gone through. and Holly Sheree Robertson these dogs took off shortly after dad took photos. these dogs are extremely dangerous C. Im soooo sorry you are going through this. Big hugs and if theres anything you need in regards to support, let me know C. If they are coming on your property go buy some humane live traps and trap the damn dogs. Then call dog control to come get them A. thank you. i came home to her nearly dead when i came home and i took her in only thinking it was her leg when it ended up being her trachea and due to the severity we had to put her down and he said we can defend our property if we have to. our parents just went on holidays so its just my sister and I at home with these dogs loose. our dogs cant go outside without us being outside which isnt fair because they love the outdoors C. Do you own a gun? These are obviously vicous dogs, and while I normally dont condone killing an animal, you have every right to protect yourselves and your property. If you own a gun, shoot them E. Omg Im so sorry for your loss. That is so unfair and my worst nightmare. I pray you get closure. F. If they are wild they will keep coming back. Protect what us yours and do what you have to too keep safe !! A. i always see these stories about other families losing loved ones due to an attack and never in my life would i ever experience this and we will be protecting our two dogs. its unfair that they cannot go outside alone while these dogs running loose and they love being outside G. Im so sorry for your loss, so tragic. A. thank you and it was the most hardest thing i had to experience. H. Scary, I run my dogs up in Joe Rich all the time (nowhere near anyones home). Glad you have photos and assistance. Once it reaches the media, someone will identify them. So sorry for your pup Hanna A. thank you. it makes me sick to my stomach. she had no chance. Everyone loved her. I miss her and was not ready to say good bye I. WOW i am SO sorry i cant beleive this happened to you i cant imagine A. thank you. It was hard to let her go. The vet said that even if they could have done the surgery she would not have made it through the anesthesia due to how severe the trachea was damaged so we made the best decision we could for her. J. My condolences on the loss of your beloved family member. What a horrible thing to have happened to her. Thoughts and prayers during this time, and that justice occurs A. thank you for everyones condolences. I am doing everything I can to get justice for my girl. She had no chance... I never thought it happen to us...I had her since my sister and I were little K. So sorry for your incredible loss! A. thank you C. I know breed doesnt really matter but do you happen to know what breeds the dogs were? C. I also say post this in every kelowna fb group and get the word out. With descriptions of the 3 dogs and their pictures. A. one looked like a pitbull the other two not so sure A. this is the one photo we found on a mailbox that fits the pit bull one (this photo is in the castanet story) L. Im so sorry for your loss .. just an aweful way to lose your family member/pet. I sure hope they do something so no one else has to suffer the same trajedy. RIP Kaysha A. thank you.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 23:28:52 +0000

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