I came back to the computer to simply close it down for the night. - TopicsExpress


I came back to the computer to simply close it down for the night. But in reading all the posts again, I am saddened by all the requests I see tonight for folks who are feeling lost, unloved, confused, abandoned, depressed and so on. All I can do is share what I have known in my life. Even through all the trials of my family (lost my brother Dec 2010 to sudden heart attack, my mother in law to cancer 2 months later, my oldest son to cancer at age 19 in 2001, my new daughter in law in tornado outbreak in April 2011, my youngest son (her husband) died 5 weeks later in June 2011, my wife had a stroke in Sept. 2011 and my middle son had an industrial accident requiring a complete rebuild of his left elbow and arm, then I was diagnosed in Feb of this year with terminal cancer. I dont share this for any sympathy, but for encouragement. For I have never felt alone, deserted, abandoned, forsaken or depressed because Jesus said He would never leave me, Did you get that? NEVER leave me. Every day is a good day because it is a gift from my Heavenly Father. I can waste it, take it for granted or let Him use me to make something of it that will be for the betterment of His Kingdom. And if He is for me, who can be against me. And He cant LIE. You are letting Satan take control of your situations which is just what he wants. He comes to steal, kill and destroy. But as Gods children, we have the one and only defense against that.... Jesus. Through the Holy Spirit, He provides answers. pathways, and people to turn your situation around. But you must approach Him, confess your needs and ask for deliverance or forgiveness, whatever is needed. All GPWs agree by joining our page, to pray for each and every post that appears. That is the most powerful weapon we have against the evils Satan throws at us. Psalm 23 and Psalm 91 are awesome scriptures to start your day with. And tonight, 2,000 people have read these posts and at least half if not all will pray for you. But you have to approach Him yourself. Please spend some close time with Him, and let me and Janis and the whole GPW family know the results. e love you, we care and we ask God for what you need to be sent in His time. Sorry if I got to preaching, but it pains me to see so many people professing to be Christians in such despair. Please let me or Janis know if this helps. We love you and care about you, but God loves you more than we can, He let His Son die for you. Trust Him with everything!!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 03:50:47 +0000

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