I came into this election with a neutral head, perfectly willing - TopicsExpress


I came into this election with a neutral head, perfectly willing to accept whatever outcome was to prevail, but I am now having VERY grave concerns. I had a healthy level of scepticism about the post which this video was linked to, that greeted me this morning, but this, and other reports, are starting to make the whole election look seriously suspicious. There are far too many people, from far too many different places in the country, stating that the majority of people that they know, voted Yes, for this result to stand on its own legs !!!!! I am starting now to wonder, why it appears that the YES campaign, went relatively quiet in the last 2 weeks before polling day ?? compared with the previously very animated, very loud and very aggressive statements from SNP .... which latterly became measured and low-key in comparison??? Why would that happen in the last days of such a monumental campaign, which has raged on for more than 2 years ... with so much at stake !!! Do you think they run out of steam ??? Do you think could be a plausible possibility ??? Why is it that Sturgeon made a very quiet answer to a question posed by a TV reporter the day before poling, stating that the UK couldnt lose Scotland from Sterling, as it would massively and possibly catastrophically affect the UKs Balance of Payments .... Surely this is the answer to the 2 yrs of questions about the currency union question ???? that previously went unanswered to any great effect. !!! And surely that points to the fact that Scotlands true situation regarding its natural assets and massive contribution towards the UKs balance of Payments, proves that the fallacy that Scotland is propped up by the rest of the UK, is complete Lies !!!. Why hasnt that been brought to the forum properly and fully by Salmond and Sturgeon ??? The true tale about how Water, the various forms of Farming, Tourism, Hospitality, Financial services, Whisky, Power generation, and dozens of other industries, other than Oil !! all individually contribute massive (and in a lot of occasions the majority) proportions of UKPLCs exports .... and this coming from a population of less than 9% of the UK ?? Why did they keep mentioning potentially living off the Oil revenues ... particularly when only 1 Expert opinion statement kept getting trotted out as a counter arguent, repeatedly saying that it would only last 10 yrs more....... when in actuality, Oil revenue is only the cream on top of a contribution to UKPLC which is truly astronomical ?? I originally thought that it was because the Yes campaigns leaders, were simply inept, stupid and at best naive .... Now .. Im not so sure !!! The use of the BBC and various arms of the media, by the UK Government and No campaign, is reminiscent of Cold War totalitarianism !!! If the establishment is capable of that ..... could they be capable of vote rigging ??? Perhaps Ive just watched 1 or 2 too many James Bond movies ...... but Is it to going too far to put all this smoking gun residue together, and see collusion between Salmond and Cameron, for their own individual benefits ... ??? whatever they may be ??? Was Independency ever the real agenda ?? and did the spectre of the polls suggesting a Yes majority, and therby going against their perceived outcome, cause the plans to be rejigged in a hurry ?? Is that why Salmond immediately resigned ... to take up his highly paid appointments, and go to count his ill gotten gains ??? and duck out of the firing line of questioning ??? Ill bet that counting would be done accurately !!! Im starting to smell a Rat ... mixed in with 2 types of Rotten Fish !!! Salmon & Sturgeon !! If this Video ( and the longer one this morning) is really the case, and not the figment of some CGI experts imagination, then we need to get to the bottom of it, and show up these Political classes ... of whichever colour whey masquerade in !! up for what they are ... Scumbag, Liars and fraudsters !! who play the rest of us for Fools, Idiots and Toys for their own Personal betterment ..... who, unfortunately more often than not, are proven to be correct, because we do nothing substantive about knocking this attitude out of them, even when they get caught with their fingers in the till !!! Is this a Democracy ??? How can it be ??? when it has also been shown within the last few weeks that Scotlands general election votes for the last 70 or so years, have been totally irrelevant, as the results would not have changed, if Scotlands votes and constituencies were removed from the vote count !!! First past the post balloting is outdated, and cannot be relied upon to provide any kind of Democratic result ..... Proportional representation is the only way ahead ..... But how many Politicians would agree ??? When was the last time you heard any one of them suggest this ??? What do you think ??? And what examples of potentially dodgy dealings have you noticed or experienced ???
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 02:54:23 +0000

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