I can assure you I know nothing about nothing, all my writings are - TopicsExpress


I can assure you I know nothing about nothing, all my writings are mere reflections of a seeker - but one thing I am coming to learn is that this path is a simple one. When I say simple I dont mean easy by the way, I mean its simply about being a good human being. Or at least trying. Its not so complicated. There are so many fancy terms and high ideas on the spiritual path, everyone has their own understandings and sometimes when we grasp these concepts we think we know it all - but the path to God isnt about the acquisition of facts and figures if that was the case as my brother always reminds me Google knows more than us all - its about learning to live it or as we say in Jamaica its a Livity I realise its not about inhaling books, quoting pious people from the past, taking pictures with saints or dressing like an desert dweller whilst in the middle of NYC or London if we are not striving to be clean inside. If we are not careful we can fall in love with our own reflection and prostrate to the idols of our Self with God getting lost behind the veils we construct. The path is slippery God wants us to want Him, Alone with no partners - not even yourself. If you cant even make your mother a cup of tea or visit a sick person or go grocery shopping for your friend who has just had a baby or smile at a stranger or just be good to somebody then maybe we need to bring it back to basics for a minute and ask ourselves what efforts have I made towards goodness today? Its so simple and inherent but how easily we forget. This isnt even about religion, its simple human stuff - but religious people need to be reminded the most. Your fellow human have rights over you, and the first is that you simply try to be good to them even if they call God by a different name than you, even if they dont call Him at all. And yes, knowledge is essential however, the hidden secrets of the universe mean nothing whatsoever if your name doesnt leave a good taste in peoples mouths or a beautiful fragrance in room. And of course there will be haters but we should at least try our very best - to keep to our word, admit when we make mistakes, fix our wrongs, put someone before ourselves, be humble and listen to others even if you already know the end of the story. Small acts of kindness leads to small miracles in the world around you and I am learning that here. The small stuff is what counts. A Reminder to myself first
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 02:35:40 +0000

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