I can be extremely unGrateful sometimes. I can be extremely - TopicsExpress


I can be extremely unGrateful sometimes. I can be extremely Grateful sometimes. I can be extremely Observant at times. I can be extremely unObservant at times. I can be extremely Greedy at times. I can be extremely Charitable, Giving, and Loving at times. Im thoroughly at home BEing the Teacher as well as the Student. Im capable of and comfortable in living my life to Extremes. If I was a Solitary BEing, completely alone on this planet and unaware of the lives of others around me, capable of being oblivious to any other consciousness and how my actions and choices influence others... My life would be different than it is. I have lived the above archetype plenty, and over the years Ive become magnificently adept at masking this behavior even from myself. I was convinced that this Thinking, this Programming, this Reality had become a distant memory; that I had Evolved beyond this stage of development. Entitlement, Scarcity, Judgement, Suffering, Anger, Jealousy, Sadness, Loneliness, Expectation, Revenge, Doubt, and other aspects of a consciousness thats convinced that its the only one that matters... Ive engaged in all of these, and even very recently... Luckily, I have people in my life that Lovingly reach out in their own particular ways and remind me that theres another side to the Cube ( Cubic Conscii ). I am thoroughly, abundantly, and passionately Grateful for these people in my life. Without them, my Pendulum of Judgement may go careening off into space, while all the while I was thoroughly convinced that everybody was getting smaller and smaller and I was expanding infinitely and they were all fools while I was all-knowing. Fortunately, if I swing far enough to one extreme or another, people in my life Love me enough to say something, reach out, voice their boundaries, etc. If I bump into someone, or step on their toes, or frighten them with my physical body in some way Im usually highly aware of the interaction and I readily apologize for over-stepping my bounds. But it rarely dawns on me on an internal level when my consciousness is intruding upon others lives. Its a far more subtle interaction when I run roughshod over the tendrils of anothers consciousness though. I am Joyfully and Abundantly Gratefull for the people that Love Me and Themselves enough to obServe my boundaries and theirs and to reach out to the would-be projectile of my life, not to control it or manipulate it in any way other than Shining the Light of Awareness on another possible route to my destination. By igniting and shining their Beacon of Truth, they allow me to Know that Im not Alone, they illuminate the Path Between Us, they Shine Another Star to Navigate By... My Sincerest Gratitude, Honor, Respect, Appreciation, Joy, Apologies, and Commitments to Change to Zo Peacemaker, Jennifer Evans, Tina Young Evans, Mackenzie Roberts, Jonah Roberts, Madeline Little, Ashley Wiltse, Karen Wiltse, Tui TheHuman, Eric Ferguson, Jared Michael, Nathan Jodzko, Kitty Kortkamp, Betty Pegues, Bethany Morris, Amy Maple, and anyone else that has Endured quietly and/ or animatedly my exploration of the Space of Me over the last 15 months. I am applying the many tools that I was selling to every body else to myself and while I will continue to explore Inner and Outer Space, I AM Committed to turn on and obServe the indicators of my Early Warning Systems. Mostly, Ill shine my Light bright enough to be seen and found, but not so bright as to drown out and blind everyone else. I will share who I AM. HoOponopono ~ AHO ~ Namaste ~ I Love Me ~ I Love We
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 04:10:08 +0000

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