I can declare with the Security Guard in his daily report, - TopicsExpress


I can declare with the Security Guard in his daily report, “Happy Friday!” God moved me another block down in his ministry building. This morning he pealed away another layer of my tough exterior shell. He helped me to see what I couldn’t see so clearly before. I had a foundational issue because I lacked faith in him. Everything I built my day on was not him. Although I thought it was, he showed me how I will believe in many other things, but not in the savior himself. I am quick to trust what I can see. What I didn’t know was that I wasn’t seeing the complete truth of what he’s already accomplished by dying on the cross. God made a plan long before time began to take care of his people. He foreknew they would be broken, so he already had a solution in place for their brokenness. Since the beginning of time, God planned to send his son to take the punishment for the disobedience of his people. He knew we would disregard him. He knew we would take sin lightly. He knew we would fail. So he sent his son to be the one to pay the entire bill for our sin. Although he was innocent, he willingly took the beatings. He was sinless, but he took the abuse of the angry crowd. He had done no wrong, but he quietly went to the cross for the shame of humanity. But the great news is that the story doesn’t end there. He also conquered death when he rose again from the dead. Now he is alive and is seated at the right hand of God until he comes again to judge the living and the dead. The Bible says to be ready for his coming. When he comes he will take us to our home in glory. There will be unspeakable joy for those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Not so for those who have not made a commitment to him. For those who do not believe, they have a promise for eternal separation from God. In the Bible it’s called the Lake of Fire. That doesn’t sound like too much fun to me. We don’t know when he will come again, but we always have to be prepared for his arrival. Whenever he calls us home, there won’t be any more time to make the decision. The game of life will be over and your fate will be sealed. I want more for you, my friend. I want to see you when I walk through the pearly gates. I want to be with you in heaven to share the unspeakable joy that waits. I want to know that you didn’t spend eternity separated from God, when you could have had peace and joy that comes from knowing his amazing grace. You can’t get in heaven by being a good person, or going to church, or giving to the poor. No amount of good things you do will see you into heaven. You must be washed in the blood of Jesus. You must put your trust in him to save you! Life with Jesus is so much better than when I lived without him. He’s pealed off my layers of hurt and pain from life and replaced them with his protection, guidance, comfort, family, joy, kindness, and favor. The bond we have is everlasting!
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 13:56:03 +0000

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