I can not believe the electorate we have. People seem to be out of - TopicsExpress


I can not believe the electorate we have. People seem to be out of their minds. Anthony Weiner had to resign from Congress because of inappropriate behavior. Sending picture of himself to women. Now can you believe that the people in New York City were going to elect him to be Mayor? That is till they found out he did after eh was caught in Congress and resigned. I have a 17 year old grand-daughter living with me. No way would I let this guy visit in my home. So, if I would not let him visit in my home, why would I want to have him as a Congressman or a Mayor? Anybody you elect to a public office is someone who is going to have an affect on the inside of your home in some way or another. We are to willing to forgive and forget our elected officials. We should take the tack that "screw up one time and you are gone for good." We need to check out the background of everyone we elect and what kind of life style they are living. Do not get me wrong, everybody is a sinner at some time. What counts is whether we ever changed our ways to that which is right. we need honesty, integrity, truthfulness, openness and to be told what our elected officials are thinking on the political questions that are such hot potatoes. Not given platitudes and told there will something done or there will be change. Obama promised change and look at what we got. A tripled debt and doubled deficit and a health care bill that is not workable, keeping our economy from recovering like it should. Next tie you vote people, do not take the politician at face value. Any one can have charisma, they just might not have the rest of that which is needed, honesty, integrity, truth and openness.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 00:10:14 +0000

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