I can only hope and pray that tomorrow the judge will see through - TopicsExpress


I can only hope and pray that tomorrow the judge will see through the lies and manipulation he has allowed to go on for over a year. The whole situation is a complicated disaster which all began when one judge took what two doctors had to say for face value. The estranged father has not been truthful with his wife and now he has a image to defend or their relationship might end. There are so many lies I could write for days, but I will focus on two: he stated that I called the police to have him arrested and that an Illinois judge ORDERED him to come to an agreement to work on developing a relationship with his daughter. Neither of the two statements are true and I have statements from the detective for the sheriffs department as well as an affidavit from Illinois counsel that outlines the truth of what took place on November 19, 2013 in an Illinois court room. I pray that these two pieces of outside evidence I presented to the judge, will make this judge take a second look at the man he really is dealing with. This estranged man has cause a year of unnecessary trauma on a now five year old little girl and continues to remain absent in her life. Right after court in November 2013, he called a few times to FaceTime, none of which Madeline engaged in conversation with him because she is terrified to death of this man. I mean, what five year old would not be afraid of a man who the only time he has ever showed up in her life was to try and take her permanently away from her mother. Then this estranged man went on a vacation and did not bother to try and keep consistent contact. The last time I have heard anything from this man was December 15, 2013. Crazy how this man can make such inexcusable accusations that I am a danger to my daughter without any evidence or proof, but then has made NO contact in 44 days. This man has never been a part of Madelines life, never attempted to maintain consistent contact and to top it all of he lied about Madeline to his own wife. Please pray that the judge ends this unnecessary litigation and grants my Motion tomorrow. Please please pray because if my Motion is granted tomorrow, Arizona no longer will have any access to my daughter and she will be safe once again. Right now my baby Myles is safe and hopefully tomorrow I can add my daughter to that safe list. My poor little Max is still in danger of never being reunited with his Mommy, sister and baby brother, but if I can end the case with my daughter, all of my energies will be able to focus to fight all the way to the highest court and save my precious boy Max. 116 days without my precious boy Max is something no Mother should ever have to experience! Heading to bed and my mind is spinning. I pray for peace that I can sleep and leave what happens tomorrow in the hands of God. I believe that God can do great things and maybe tomorrow will also be the day the Judge grants my Emergency Motion (filed 3 weeks ago) to get Max back as well. Thank you to everyone for your continued prayers for my children and I!
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 03:50:03 +0000

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