I can remember, as a young man, if you were middle class, you - TopicsExpress


I can remember, as a young man, if you were middle class, you worried about the environment and if college would be affordable for your kids. Walmart, K-mart, Target and the like were considered tacky, and you didnt brag about shopping there for anything other than maybe garden supplies. This was back in the 90s, before the white trashification of America, re-legalization of slavery (only, not strictly racially based, and with a token paycheck you couldnt live off of, and some food stamps, so you had calories to burn, working for master), and before we replaced competition and innovation with corporate expansionism and consolidation. Now, we all got jobs at the Walmart or one of its subservients. and it tells manufacturers what to make and how to make it, if they want it sold in their stores, we look down our noses at the people who have to shop at the $.99 store, weve replaced our worries with phobias about Ebola and our kids getting lice in school from the immigrants, and when non-white and non-white-trash Americans form a voting block to elect our first black President to tell us we deserve and should demand better, white trash Americans hold a six year race riot trashing him and trying to burn everything down. But weve also now all got God, so Im sure it will all be fine.As long as we all just stay angry at the government, and the outsiders that have taken it over, and the teabags we elect to replace the invading outsiders, but get co-opted by the outsiders, and the even better more teabaggy tea bags we elect to replace the teabags that went wrong, who then, also go wrong, things will be fine. Just stay angry, at everything but God, and things will be fine.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 05:20:40 +0000

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