I can see you. Art Mehler Alert; This is a Ducal rant. Scroll - TopicsExpress


I can see you. Art Mehler Alert; This is a Ducal rant. Scroll down if you dont want to waste time on my opinion. It isnt going to bother me at all I have been active in the Society for Society for Creative Anachronism for many years now. 25 continuously and 36 overall. In that time I have heard many explanations of its purpose, its ideals, and its flaws. I recently read an opinion I have NEVER heard before. Or, more accurately it is more than one opinion. I wish to present this to you as most of you are, or were, members for your consideration. I will paraphrase. 1) The Order of the Laurel was created to recognize those that make armored combat look better. 2) The Order of the Pelican was created to recognize those that make armored combat happen. 3) Any thing that does not contribute to armored combat is not contributing anything to the SCA. 4) Regardless of how many people participate in an activity, if it does not contribute to the above mentioned goals it is a side activity unworthy of higher recognition. Now, repeating that I have been active in our club/organization/life style for more than a quarter if a century all I can say is WTF? This is in no way what I have been taught. How can anyone, in this case a peer, believe any part of those statements? This was put forth as arguments against a fourth poling peerage for rapier combat. That would be a fifth peerage for those who are counting BTW. I do not really support that idea. And, I could write an long essay explaining why. But, I do not care to. What concerns me is that this set statements are believed by even one person. The Order of the Laurel was created to recognize excellence in the study and recreation of the arts of the middle ages. Objects from daily use to the most elegant finery. Performance of song, dance and prose. Research and teaching that give our society a depth unparalleled in other organizations because of the scope of the area of study. 800 years officially (roughly 800 to 1600) which in fact runs from biblical eras to at least 1650 because the participants are the ones displaying these things and thus choose what they want to do. And, while it is officially a western European focus no one is restricted from any area of study geographically. I have seen amazing Middle and Far eastern works. In fact one very accomplished person has done amazing things with Native American studies. The Order of the Pelican was created by the Board of Directors because it became clear that the highest recognition should also apply to the volunteers who selflessly organize, set up, and haul our junk to make events actually happen. I read (years ago) in the original charter of the order that it could even be given for extreme participation. Because if you come and play you perform a service by your presence even if you are not able to carry chairs or set up tables. What good is a King if he has no one to be King for? No one to see to it that he has a throne to site on? Make sure there is insurance so that we can rent the hall? Clean the dishes after the feast? And, the myriad of of other odious tasks, both great and small, that absolutely have to happen or we cant do what we are in the group to do. The world has changed since 1965 (or 1966 if you want to argue about what year this all started) and so has the group. The narrow minded reasoning that set off this rant is as outdated as type writers and not nearly as useful. This rant ends ... now. Arthur Duke, Knight, Laurel and generally bemused at life Share Adam Uglum, Heather Morgan, Marek TheJew and 46 others like this. Marek TheJew Hero!............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Actually Art Mehler, I said (ON A CLOSED CHIV LIST) in a basic generalization of our structure and the purpose of our peerages.... Members of the chivalry fight in full contact armored combat. We are the center of the organization and the basis of our entire structure. The laurels are our artisans. They make us look good. They make our EVENTS better with banners, music, food, scrolls for those being awarded and garb to make sure our Crowns do it all in style. The pelicans put our events together. They hold offices, do paperwork, secure sites etc. All three of these orders work in unison to make the game better. And in regards to people who participate in rapier and what they contribute individually...There are individuals who like rapier that do of course but the ACTIVITY itself does nothing for the rest of the group. and later regarding the activity... It has no bearing on our structure and it provides nothing of value to the organization other than fun for some people. Your paraphrasing is pathetic and off base. If I could post to your commentary I would publicy because I own what I say because it is the truth. Act like a man instead of a backstabbing conniving manipulative little tit like you have always been. Also many of my friends that are on here, I saw what you wrote as well. Man up cowards.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 18:15:28 +0000

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