I can understand shock and outrage at the civilian casualties in - TopicsExpress


I can understand shock and outrage at the civilian casualties in Palestine. But what people don’t seem to realise is that when you are fighting a guerilla terrorist organisation like Hamas, who do not wear uniforms and use civilian shields, such casulaties are sadly inevitable. And what is this rona-dhona about disproportionate retaliation? Proportionality has rarely been a defining feature of wars. War doesn’t work that way. You pull no punches, if you are able. Any demand for proportionate response should be aimed at keeping Israel at the mercy of terrorists. The only proportionate response is – Eliminate the source of terror FOREVER. It is errorneous to suggest that if the enemy attacks, a nation can only return what was received and no more. That is, if Hamas shot one rocket, Israel too should shoot only one rocket back. Sorry, War is not an exchange program in which three Palestianians would be kidnapped and murdered by Israelis in exchange of three Israeli teenagers kidnapped and murdered by Palestinians. Proportionality is about legitimate military goals. To put it simply, Israel would not be restricted to shooting only one rocket back at Hamas. Proportionality, for Israel, is doing what is necessary to ensure that Hamas does not shoot any more rockets in the years to come, sorry, in the decades to come. This is a legitimate military goal.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 13:12:16 +0000

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