I cannot but be an apologetic.. Till no more life is found in my - TopicsExpress


I cannot but be an apologetic.. Till no more life is found in my flesh I strongly believe that those Christians who speak against Christian apologetics have no understanding of the great commission of our dear lord and savior Christ Jesus You cannot separate defending from preaching in the christain faith The moment you want to preach without defending or defend without preaching you act based on your own wisdom and understanding, based on your own standards and not scriptural standards.. Your doing this because you want to be able to influence the outcome Friends You were sent to tell the good news and even in raising a church, it is not your job to control the effect the gospel has, stop trying to play God.. Preach and whatever will be will be ... As God has decreed it... You present a half gospel in love, which really is no gospel.. You will be judged by the one who sent you _ as to whose work you went to do, yours or His...
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 08:03:28 +0000

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