I cannot emphasize it enough that this is truly important for - TopicsExpress


I cannot emphasize it enough that this is truly important for internet end users – for those of us who use the internet here at home in the Northern Mariana Islands. Please sign Senator Ron Wyden’s petition telling FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler that “we demand net neutrality in any new regulations.” I posted this earlier this week. Have you noticed recently that our on-line editions of our two local papers take longer to upload to read? Now don’t get me wrong. I am just happy that I can read the papers when I am away from home here at work in DC during times when Congress is in session. And I am sure that our two publishers will in time get the news to upload much faster. I am just grateful that the Internet is a public resource. It was created with public dollars for public benefit. It wasnt created so a few big companies could get rich at the expense of everyone elses opportunities and freedoms. And so many of us have seen the public benefits of a free and open internet. We can read about the news at home even when we are away from home. In today’s editorial of the Marianas Variety, there was discussion of the different points of view of blog posters. But some of the postings have been meant to speak out, take action and change our communities for the better – regardless of whether the blogger is rich or poor. My opponents and critics have used the internet to criticize the work I do for our people and islands. But we all now face a serious threat to the Internets future. I posted about this issue on April 21, 2014. And in just a week from today, on May 15, the Federal Communications Commission will consider a proposal that would undermine Net Neutrality and allow the big telecoms to charge extra for carrying content. This plan would create a fast lane for a wealthy few, while leaving everyone else stuck in traffic as their pages load more slowly than those who can afford to pay. It may then take even longer to read up on the news from home. I am taking a stand for a free and open Internet. I taking a stand that the FCC abandon the plan to create a two-tier Internet and to preserve Net Neutrality and keep the Internet accessible to all. The future of the Internet will be decided in the next few weeks whether the FCC adopts a plan to create a fast lane for the 1% and a slow lane for the rest of us. Kilili
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 01:25:57 +0000

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