I cannot pass this sweet and precious opportunity to give my Lord - TopicsExpress


I cannot pass this sweet and precious opportunity to give my Lord the praise for all He has done in my life. In 2006, my life had begun to sour and one by one, it seemed the lights were going out, as almost every aspect of my life began to collapse. During the next three years, I learned many valuable lessons. God spared me my life and the love of my children, but almost everything else was gone. I say almost, because Jesus was ALWAYS there. Jesus was there when I felt rejected and lonely, because Jesus had experienced those same things too. Jesus was there when my heart was breaking and yes, His heart has been broken again and again. Jesus was there when I was hungry and penniless. He proved His ability to provide in the Word of God by feeding thousands with a few loaves and fish, so how hard could it be to feed one man? Jesus was there, though silent, when I could take the pain in my chest no more, as I cried out to Him from my knees in the middle of the night from the darkness of my living room floor. As the days began to pass, the color began to come back into my life and the gray days began to fade. The Lord showed me that I was destined to leave this dark place and one day, I would step back into the light of a happy life again. Still He stayed with me and He comforted me. I told Him that if He wanted me to have someone to love, that He would have to bring her to me. I had tried to find someone in my own power and failed, so I decided that if it was to be, God would provide. I had no idea just how beautifully He would respond to my faith! In 2009, because of a request to pray for someone dear to her, I was reintroduced to Ruthie, whom I have known since I was a boy of 14 at DuPont Jr. High School. First we chatted, then we corresponded. We had great discussions about the Lord and the events of our lives that occurred in the 30-year gap since our school days ended. We began to talk on the phone and one day we decided to meet. We have been a couple ever since and on the sweet 29th day in August, 2010, we became husband and wife. My life on Earth has been a dream ever since and again, Jesus is still here. You see, in my estimation, all successful marriages are love triangles, with none other than Jesus at the apex. I thank Him for all that I am and all that I have, because Jesus has made me an extremely wealthy man in all the things that really matter. He didnt have to give me a beautiful, godly, talented and compassionate wife, but if you know my Ruthie, you know He did. He didnt have to bless me with a ministry, but He did. I thank God for all the tender miracles He has wrought in my life and today, I want to praise Him for the gift of Ruthies love and presence. He knew then that she is exactly what I needed. She still is. I love you, Sweetheart!
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 02:18:01 +0000

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