I cant believe I am here breathing, a heart beating in my chest, - TopicsExpress


I cant believe I am here breathing, a heart beating in my chest, and my parents are not here. How is that possible? How have I ever survived such a horrific life altering change that was so unexpected. My mom was my world, and here I am functioning, (I mean I still cry) but it is almost like the whole experience of it all has made me so much more spiritual. I mean I always was, but now I feel as If I have been given a gift, as I was in so much pain. Rolled up into the fetal position in bed one night, crying, sobbing uncontrollably, I would sleep with my moms photo in my hand, and I would cry myself to sleep. I had a dream, I know it was about heaven, I just did not get to see it. I just got to feel the essence of it, of what it feels like to be on the other side. It was so beautiful, this feeling I had inside me, this sense of complete peacefulness, this everything is alright, everything is okay when I woke up I was in tears. It was so powerful, I know that it was Gods way of letting me know that yes, there is an afterlife, and it is far more beautiful than anything we could ever imagine, and your parents are alive and well. We all end up there when we die, as we are all particles of God. To everyone here, I pray that your pain will ease, and that each day will get a bit easier. I know with every fiber of my being, my instincts; that DEATH is not the end of a person, just a lifetime. Our loved ones are more alive than they ever were, and they want so desperately to let us know they are happy and fine. I think the reason grief often swallows us whole is the fact that we think dead is dead, and that we will never see them again. I know this is not true, the bonds of love and affection are too strong to be severed by death. This is great news for all of us, because one day we will cross the same threshold that out loved ones did, and we will all be together again someday. Death is not forever. Please keep this close to your heart and know that that person you love so dearly, is not gone, and in some point in time, we will be reunited and never be without one another ever again. This brings me so much comfort, and I try to remind myself everyday, that my mom, my dad, are really just a breath away. God bless each and every one of you, and your loved ones. They are not gone, they are not gone......xxx
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 04:50:56 +0000

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