I cant believe he is gone 10 years I have Loved and cared for - TopicsExpress


I cant believe he is gone 10 years I have Loved and cared for Taco.Me who really never liked cats and more of a dog person Loved him like he was my child,Because he is my child. I know some People are thinking He is just cat,but to me he is more then that. Taco represented some many things the Most important one is the fact he was the first Animal that me and my wife got and took care of together. I like to think he helped make our relationship. I can guarantee that there as nor will there ever be another Taco. He was one of a kind. He was not afraid of anything. He was a real bad ass!!! Everybody knows that dogs chase cats right? Well Taco did not get that Memo. Just a few weeks ago I opened the front door to let him out and there was this big dog in the front yard,(I guess he belonged to the neighbors and got out) before I could close the door Taco shot out like a bat out of hell and chased that dog all the way back to his house. I was laughing my ass off. I mean come on how many cats do you know who lives with a Pit bull and a Lab and runs the show. If I was to put a T-bone steak down they would wait for him to get what he wanted they didnt dare try him. My wife always called him the Boss and thats just what he was.Taco was the most Independent animal I ever seen he never asked for much but food and treats and Daddys Cereal milk when I was finished. He was so smart he always knew when i was eating it. He would sit in front of me and wait patiently for me to finish. Man he was slick he use to con the neighbors into giving him a cans tuna fish all the time. Me and my wife use to get calls from people who read his tag and they would say I found your cat and we gave him some food he was starving. I would tell them he was not lost he just likes to wonder and he hustled you he just finished eating at home.Me and my wife would laugh our asses off and say Taco found another sucker. Poor Squirrels never had a chance when Taco was around If a squirrel came down out of a tree and Taco was around he was done dealing. He was a awesome hunter. I remember we had a little mouse that got in the house. So I looked at Taco and I said alright its time to earn your way around here and sure enough the very next morning my wife yelled for me Babe Taco as got something I came into the kitchen and sure enough there was Taco gripping the mouse in his paws. True story!!! He was awesome like that. It just feels so surreal I cant believe he is gone.. One of the worst Parts is my little girl will never get to know him. Taco Mommy,Daddy and your brothers will love and Miss you forever !!! Daddy is Lost without his lil buddy. RIP!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 16:13:56 +0000

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