I cant believe it has already been a week since our accident. The - TopicsExpress


I cant believe it has already been a week since our accident. The other day we went by to clean out the rest of our things out of my vehicle. I had to thank God again for letting us and the other driver escape with only a few injuries. I did find out that we had people who had seen the emergency vehicles pass their church that night and they were praying for us, not even knowing who they were praying for. I believe it was the many prayers from all of you that God heard and answered that night that covered us and the reason we are here today. It has been really hard passing by the site of the accident. The girls and I would get nauseous every time. But, my husband said something to me that has helped tremendously. He said instead of passing by and thinking thats the place this terrible thing happened, remember instead and say that is the place God reached down and said, not today. I have struggled with the feelings of guilt, feeling like I should have been able to some how stop what happened. Feeling like I hurt my babies. But I have seen now instead how God has used this to open our eyes to a lot of things. I now truly understand how precious life. How quickly things can change in an instant. How important it is to always be ready. How important it is to always take every chance you have to tell those close to your heart that you love them one more time. That being said, I want you all to know that I feel so blessed and thankful to have such a wonderful husband, children, family, and friends in my life and I want you all to know I love you very much!!! ALL things work together for the GOOD of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose....Amen
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 15:30:26 +0000

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