I cant believe that my sweet Michael is three years old today. It - TopicsExpress


I cant believe that my sweet Michael is three years old today. It certainly doesnt feel like its been that long - at all. Ill never forget the moment that I got to hold him in my arms - finally - after that pregnancy and his weird labor. Being 19 and terrified - I most certainly wasnt ready to be having a baby and I never could clearly express how deeply I felt the fears of inadequacy - but seeing him and holding him, I knew everything was going to be okay. The first time he looked at me with his big, dark eyes, I couldnt help but to cry. I needed him more than he needed me. And I already loved him more than I knew how to communicate. Three years old. Hes a handful (and thats an understatement, haha), but hes perfect. Michael is so sensitive to others and so loving (even though he sometimes hits his brother). At night after the boys have been tucked into bed, Michael always comes back out, Just one more hug, please, he says, one finger pointed up showing how many more hugs he means and a smile that reaches his eyes. Of course, we probably repeat this process ten (and sometimes way more) times before he stays in bed and sleeps, but he gives the best hugs and I love them. Hes also so creative. Im sure every parent thinks their little ones drawings are incredible, and Im no different. I love his little drawings. I love them even though theyre on my walls and cabinets, scrawled all over my books, and I dont even mind that weve gone through so many pens and crayons than can be possible (though, I mean, really, where do they go?). His favorite thing to draw is his family; he draws people as hearts, and I think that its just precious. What I love most about Michael (and Maddox, too) is that hes so fearlessly himself. He inspires me daily. Hes so inquisitive and always questions if I know why because he wants to know everything and Ive never seen a kid more determined (except maybe Maddox, and that kid is soooo mischievous) to accomplish what he wants. Hes growing up into such a wonderful individual; Im very proud of who he is. So, HAPPY THIRD BIRTHDAY, MICHAEL! I love you so much!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 15:48:04 +0000

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