I cant believe this. How the hell did we (Mountain Bikers) just - TopicsExpress


I cant believe this. How the hell did we (Mountain Bikers) just get labeled as track shitters? The article was about human waste on MTB trails, not about mountain bikers crapping on trails and yet WCC Spokesperson Clayton Anderson just pinned this on us: Anderson urged mountainbikers to use common sense if nature called. I seriously hope Steven Peters we can confirm he was mis-quoted. Otherwise Anderson / WCC need to issue an apology. The WCC gets a huge amount of value from its relationship with volunteer mountain bikers and it would do well to think twice before projecting the actions of one or two members of the public on an entire group. Not. Good. Enough. [EDITED - Wellingtonian just made that quote up it seems - he never said any such thing and it is just scumbag journalism trying to start a fight. What a surprise from the staff of the DimPost] ? What is the councils role in the upkeep of the walking/mountain biking tracks in the area? The mountain bike tracks are largely cared for by volunteers from mountain bike clubs. ? Do the responsibilities of rangers operating in the area include keeping the tracks clean and tidy? Again, the mountain bike tracks are largely cared for by volunteers from mountain bike clubs. Our rangers do on occasions help the volunteers with their track maintenance and rarely come across rubbish and very rarely come across human waste. ? Has the council considered installing a toilet, temporary or otherwise, at any points along the track or in the wind turbine car park? It’s just not practical to install a toilet in the area, temporary or otherwise. The Council does not consider this to be a huge problem. The only complaints the council has received from the public are from your complainant, Colin Toft; our rangers very rarely come across human waste in our parks. Our message to users of the track would be if you can hold on please do but if you can’t please do your business in an area away from the track and most importantly bury your business when you have finished. The Council is very aware of a long series of concerns that Mr Toft has with the management of our land in the wind turbine area. We have investigated them repeatedly and generally do not share the same concerns as Mr Toft. ? What value does the council think such tracks add to Wellingtons proposition as a tourism destination. Mountain bike tracks are another unique feature that makes Wellington a great place to live. We have world class mountain bike tracks literally minutes from the CBD and we value the tracks as a feature that make the city a great place to work and play. It comes back to users of our tracks taking some personal responsibility - and if nature calls and they are nowhere near a toilet - doing it away from the track in a secluded area and burying their business when they have finished.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 20:33:58 +0000

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