I cant express just how proud I am of this sweet girl, who a few - TopicsExpress


I cant express just how proud I am of this sweet girl, who a few days short of 18 months, is officially a walker! Prior to this she never crawled but scooted everywhere on her little butt. It was pretty hilarious to watch, but Ill admit there were times it also made me a bit nervous that she wasnt walking like many kids her age. As moms, it can be a pretty natural tendency to compare our kids to other kids. Especially when we see highlight reels of each others lives strewn all over social media. We see that so and sos baby slept through the night before ours, rolled over early, walked at 9 months, is already talking in sentences, and the list goes on and on. Or, on the flip side, we might have one of those babies who WAS early at everything and its quite easy to take pride in the fact that theyre ahead of the curve. I dont know what your experience has been, but from a mom whos been on both sides, I want to encourage us to delight in the uniqueness of our children. Each child has been beautifully and wonderfully made to develop at their own pace, and while its good to have an idea of when its typical for a milestone to take place, its important to remember that in many cases, something is not seriously wrong with our kids if they dont do things exactly when other kids do. Its also important to remember that you are an amazing mom, regardless of when your kids hit those milestones. Theres only so much you can do to help your them along, and the rest is out of your control. Today, lets do our best to take the pressure off. Lets enjoy our kids in the stages theyre in, and celebrate how they were created in such a way to do things in this world that only theyll be able to do. Lets praise God for taking the time to so intricately design their little bodies, and savor each moment we have with them! Life is too short to spend it comparing! XOXO, Amber
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 09:51:31 +0000

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