I cant give blood, I had a blood transfusion after I had Niamh and - TopicsExpress


I cant give blood, I had a blood transfusion after I had Niamh and under current guidelines I cant donate - even if I want to, which I would love to do. So, I was just thinking about blood donation and it occured to me that maybe a lot of people dont realise that people undergoing cancer treatment constantly need blood and platelets transfusions. To date, Niamh has had 14 pints of blood and 2 platelets transfusions. Other kids I know have had many many more than that. The reason for blood transfusions being so so important for people on cancer treatment is because the chemo attacks the bodies natural defence system bringing haemoglobin, white cells (defence against infection) and platelets (for blood clotting) levels down to rock bottom and so transfusions are lifesaving in the process of recovery and getting the body ready for the next chemo. Niamh would literally be as white as a sheet and exhausted, then shed get a blood transfusion and the difference would be amazing. Colour in her cheeks again and chipper. She had a transfusion during each chemo cycle so at least every three weeks at that time. Apparently only 4% of the population donate blood and the other 96% rely on those 4% to donate. Ironically both Niamh and I would like to give blood (as would most people whove had blood transfusions I imagine) because we are eternally grateful to those thoughtful anonymous people who care enough to go out of their way and give their time and blood for the good of someone else. These people are heros, they dont realise what an amazing thing they are doing and are so underated as its a wonderful thing giving blood. As I say, Niamh and I cant give blood but wed like to ask everyone to consider doing it as its literally lifesaving and isnt just for during operations. To those of you who already do it - thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Someone who donates blood is actually literally saving lives, right there at grassroots level. You are literally lifesavers. You will probably never know what a fantastic thing you are doing. That small selfless gesture means the world to someone. It means the world to us!!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 21:14:30 +0000

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