I cant help but laugh. Its getting a little ridiculous - TopicsExpress


I cant help but laugh. Its getting a little ridiculous now: Another big fan of mine, Steve Zacharias, went out of his way to tell me and many others what a stuck up snob I am all over Facebook, how Im the snob of the WTBA group and how my looks wont last forever, so I better have something to fall back on. Again, I have NO IDEA who this person is. Nor do I have any idea what prompted his douche baggery. He sent me a friend request, which I did not accept, because as a policy, I only accept friend requests from people I know or have met. And before blocking him, which I just did a few moments ago, I checked to confirm that yes, he was in fact following my profile. Is this crazy irrational hate on Ian week or something? Did I miss the memo? Lordy, I am wearing out the block button on Facebook here, mercy! (Oh, and Steve? FYI, I have PLENTY to fall back on. Despite your inane reasoning and perception, Im not stuck up, nor do I think Im hot shit, mmkay? Im damn smart, and have mad skills too, so Ill be fine under any circumstances, dont you fret. I also dont project my bullshit onto other people I dont know, isnt that something!? kisses, sweetheart. oh wait. you cant see this. youre already blocked.)
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 04:20:56 +0000

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