I cant say enough about Dr. Joel Wallach!!! He has been changing - TopicsExpress


I cant say enough about Dr. Joel Wallach!!! He has been changing lives for years! Danny & I have been reading his latest book, Epigenetics. ARE YOUR BONES AND JOINTS KILLING YOU? Here is a quote from the book on how Dr. Wallach helped professional basketball player Theo Ratliff regain his health and continue his career: “In 1996 Theo Ratliff, a 28‐year-old NBA basketball player, was told his career was over. Theo at a young age had bone‐on‐bone arthritis in both knees, the cartilage on his right hip had popped off, and the orthopedic surgeon for the Atlanta Hawks stated that the injury required surgery to replant the cartilage. His right wrist was broken catching a pass during a regular season game, and the orthopedic surgeons for the Atlanta Hawks said, “We can’t sign off on Theo. He’s too much of a risk— he’s too fragile to play professional NBA basketball.” Theo was cleaning out his locker in the Hawks’ training facility when he heard Mike Glen, “The Stinger,” the legendary guard for the Hawks talking to another player about rebuilding his own knees with Wallach’s supplement program (Glen had regrown his knee cartilage in both knees after retirement and had declared,“I could have played for five more years if I had known about Wallach’s program earlier!”). Ratliff walked over to Glen and asked if he thought that Wallach’s program could also help him.Glen replied in the affirmative, and Glen started Ratliff on the program. Ratliff passed all of the physicals, and the next season he was given a $40 million contract with the Portland Trail Blazers! In 2012 Ratliff finished his professional career of sixteen years after three years with the Los Angeles Lakers.” Wallach, Joel (2014-05-20). Epigenetics: The Death of the Genetic Theory of Disease Transmission (Kindle Locations 7331-7339). SelectBooks, Inc.. Kindle Edition. (Page 334 of the physical copy) LET ME SHOW YOU WHAT DR. WALLACHS HEALTH PLAN CAN DO FOR YOU!! 561-339-6912 WWW.KIMBUTLER.MY90FORLIFE.COM
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 17:12:12 +0000

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