I cant sleep... so full of escallating rage and pure hatred... - TopicsExpress


I cant sleep... so full of escallating rage and pure hatred... Threshold, Nordic Naturals, & County Menatl Healthcare system / affilliate programs... go to hell where you fukn belong you cruel, selfserving, evil, sick, sadistic, pig, assholes...!!!!! If I didnt have Louiebear who loves/needs me.. I would have already fukn bashed head head through shit til im fukn dead 2night... or stabbed myself 2 death.. bcuz of you fukn assholes who deystroy lives with illegal & immoral shit... & you fukn knew I was in no fukn condition 2 stand up 4 my own rights... the laws that were asupposed to protect me from this shit ever being allowed to happen... & knew I didnt have a damn fukn person worthy of trust whod help me be able 2 stand up 4 my rights so I wouldnt have to live like this.... everything thats happened... everything im going through... Me having to live like this... me being so fukn severely pushed over the fukn edge... turning into a fukn monster... losing my humanity & every fukn bit of goodness I had in me... being so full of pure rage & hatred towards you & every1 who does nothing about it... that it takes everything I have in me to stop myself from becoming violent with myself until im dead... thats not the kind of person I have ever been my entire grown up life... until what you did to cost me my life/future & any reasons to live thta there could ever be, & any options I would ever have to save, rebuild, or repair, such things... all of this... all the shit ive been going thru since... & ending up like this... & growing more, & more, psychiatricly, psychologically, & emotionally worse, & worse, every fukn moment of every fukn passing day... all this fukn time... that no one does a damn fukn thing about it... when its fukn illegal what you did... & its the same kind of shit.. that is known to turn even the best of ppl in2 fukn monsters... snapping sooooo fukn severely... who end up killing people, becomming mass murderers... etc... or... with ppl like me... who dont have it in them 2 bcome violent, harmful, threatening, or endangering to others... cuz any1 who would deserve such things isnt worth my time or energy... they dont matter...! I matter... my freedom matters, not stooping to their level matters... but this shit has caused such severe fukn damage to me that any fukn time I have to talk to another fukn person who isnt doing a damn thing about it... or any time its another holiday, bday, special event, I will never have one fukn momentms hapiness, reasons to live, or any of the things that make life worth living.. bcuz of what you fukn did... & all the fukn irreplaceable years of my life it has fukn stolen already... & still no one is doing a damn fukn thing about it... it gets sooooooooo fukn hard... to stop myself from fukn killing myself so I no longer have to suffer from the fukn damage you caused to me, and my ability to ever have a life, a future, or any of the things that make life worth living, or ever know even one fukn moments hapiness... & everything thats happened since you.. every fukn loss... Me, and my teeth all rotting away, my dead baby-doggie Vixens life I couldnt save /prolong... everything... every fukn reason im turning into a monster full of pure hatred and rage... & that I have a hard time stopping myself from harming/killing myself... is because of the illegal & immoral shit you got away with... that deystroyed me, my life & future, any reasons 2 live that there could ever be... & the years of my life, my teeth, my dog, my car, everything its stolen from me or cost me already... & still no one has done, or is doing a damn fukn thing about it... even though it has been a fukn essential urgent priority & matter of great importance to save a life that is worth saving... for far, far, far too many years of my fulkn life, & far to many losses already.. & no one even fukn gets it... how so seriously fukn sick, sadistic, & cruel it is every single fukn moment that goes by where still no one will do a damn fukn thing to stand up for what is right on behalf of those who cannot successfully stand up for their own rights... or that a whole nother fukn year has passed by... & its already another fukn holiday season already... & every1 shoved their head up their ass when there was plenty of time to do something 2 set things right or create a miracle that helps sooo many, or at least replaces some of what was lost bcuz of you... b4 the fukn holidays... so id even get 2 have a happy holiday even 1 fukn time in my entire fukn life... theres been no fukn time to fukn waste for soooo many fukn years of my life stolen from me already... evry fukn moment that passes... without you amending the situation, setting things right... especially another fukn holiday.. just fills my heart with more & more pure hatred & rage... knowing its fukn hopeless that any1 will do a damn fukn thing 2 save a life that atually is worth saving.. or uphold, enforce, or ensure enforcement of... the fukn laws, rules, rights, etc... that were violated... that were supposed to protect ppl from this shit evr being allowed 2 happn.. & from havn it push some1 over the edge so severely, cause so much further trauma, damage, & loss, & turn a good, caring, trustworthy person in2 a fukn monster.. losing their humanity.. & evry moment... fightn seriously severe, sometimes nearly impossible 2 fight.. violent self-harm til dead, urges... So go 2 hell where u fukn belong... burn 4ever.. all who cause, allow/ignore ruining lives..
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 11:24:30 +0000

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