I cant tell you how good it feels to go to bed tonight knowing - TopicsExpress


I cant tell you how good it feels to go to bed tonight knowing that our sweet Bentley and Sadie are safe and warm in our home. We will never be able to thank you all enough for all youve done in the last three days. The outpouring of support was mind blowing to say the least. We never could have been successful without all the calls and updates from all of you keeping us up to speed on where they were. This morning started out with me being very torn as to where we should start looking. Since we knew she may be hurt after the incident at 10th and Oakley, and the fact that the morning after that, Sadie made it home, but all alone, my gut kept telling me we should be over there looking. But with the sightings on Fairlawn late yesterday afternoon, it also seemed that we should go there. It was a call this morning from someone who saw her on Fairlawn again that confirmed where we would go. Then after multiple sightings we knew we were on the right track. Stephanie Avila and her wonderful dog picked up Bentleys scent at 10th and Fairlawn and we were excited. I finally knew that it was really her and we shouldnt be on 10th and Oakley looking for a possibly hurt or worse Bentley. We had hope!!! Then two hours of searching and no Bentley. Then a wonderful woman named Christina, who had seen my Craigslist post about Bentley, sent me a message with her phone number and said she had just seen a Brindle Boxer walking down 6th street towards Gage Park. It had to be her!!! Several of us headed that way. I got to the corner of 6th and Morningside at the edge of Gage Park. The minute I drove past a huge grove of trees I could see the big open field and there she was. Standing about 100 feet off the road. I was never so happy, excited, nervous and terrified at the same time, in my life!!! I immediately knew that if I went to the next road to turn, she would be gone before I could get to her. My only option was to turn my van and jump that ditch between sixth street and the field. It happened so fast I barely remember it. I jumped out of the van and started to run towards her and instantly I remembered the words of Stephanie Avila, dont run at her or she will run away. She had said drop to the ground and speak softly and calmly so I hit the ground fast and started calling her name soft and calm. My heart was pounding and I was so scared. She started coming towards me very slowly and kept hesitating like she might run. I just kept talking to her and praying she would listen and not run. As soon as she was close enough I leapt forward and literally tackled her!!! I wrapped my arms around her and held on for dear life. I kept telling her how much I loved her and begging her not to run. She was trying so hard to get out of my grip. My phone rang in my jacket pocket and somehow I hit the button and screamed into it that I had her but I desperately needed help. I was screaming my location and crying and holding onto her as tight as I could. My five year old granddaughter was in the van and I yelled for her to bring me the leash so I could hold onto her. She jumped out of the van like a champ and brought it to me. I yelled for her to slip the loop over Bentleys head and as soon as she did, I tightened the loop and she was secure!!! Sweet Ava saved the day!!! About this time, car loads of people that had been helping started arriving at the park. The minute my son Clayton pulled up and saw that I had his baby... it was the greatest thing ever!!! All I can say is, adrenaline can make you do miraculous things!!! Once again, THANK YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART FOR ALL YOU DID TO BRING OUR SWEET BABIES.HOME SAFE!!! GOD BLESS!!!
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 05:26:26 +0000

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