{ I cant wait to take off in less than 12hrs from now for South - TopicsExpress


{ I cant wait to take off in less than 12hrs from now for South Sudan. Going via Nairobi, and in under a week, I will be able to see my mum and dad again after 26 long years, can you believe that. It was not our choice though, neither was it our parents. They call it an opportunity cost for the independence and sovereignty of South Sudan. And what do they tell you at Juba airport now?.........You dont belong here, you are a foreigner, line up over there and pay all you got. Whatever is awaiting, I still call it home, and will do all I can to blend. Gday South Sudan} The above was my post on the 6th of December 2013 on my way to South Sudan in 26yrs, little did I know war is the thing awaiting me in South Sudan, I only realized on the first day of the conference (SPLM Liberation Councils conference) when I watch our president talk. It dawned in my mind that this long time coming visit might turn into misadventure or arch-irony than I thought, and my euphoria or excitement for having returned home after 26yrs began to escape me. Instead, I was terrified while others were excited before the TV news. However, I was still determine to go home and see my parents regardless of the awkward and mix feeling I began to experience. And so on Sunday the 15th before the fighting started, I left for Bor in the morning with my two cousins, Ajak Nyok Riak and Ajak Tong Alier whose father was later kill in this avoidable war .We were in Bor town within just 20 minutes. Yong Kwai took us to South Sudan hotel where we met some gentlemen, and strangely, I had a conversation or a debate with one open minded gentlemen on the nature of the conference. I think he is a former youth leader of Bor County, his name was Thon........ And this is what I told him, given the volatility and tribalistic our nation is; such talk in the conference ís a mere naivety, it could spark unintended hostility, situation can get out of hand easily, unifying leaders dont talk like that . Although Thon had watched the conference, he could not buy my analysis. I think we debated for atleast 2hrs. But later in the night of the same day, we were woken up in the hotel room with my two cousins and informed about the fighting in Juba, that was after 11pm in the night. Few days later, the fighting spread to many other towns including Bor town itself where we were, and so we ran to our village and hide in Wakou, on the river bank. Our people really suffered as they ran for their dear life, specially women, children and the elderly. women gave birth on the run, people spent nights and days without food and potable water, people slept in the swampy areas in the flood waters. Let me confide you this scenario: A woman gave birth on the run and the baby went missing for 9hrs because a man had to disappear with the baby immediatly after the delivery for the babys safety. The woman was rushed to safety in different direction only to meet her baby after 9hrs. This is what I keep asking my self while on the run, and at Wakou, did God want me to come and witness this firsthand? I will tell you more later, stay tune.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 06:07:37 +0000

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