I can’t believe the ignorance coming of some of the people in - TopicsExpress


I can’t believe the ignorance coming of some of the people in Iroquois Falls!!!!!!.......... Ya thats right, this is my page and I can write whatever the hell I want. I know I did my fair share of ranting and so on, but I’m so fed up of the lies the town has been fed. To go and delete Mitch Proulx , the guy who’s put in hours of his own time, created a webpage for free, so we can raise money for a bridge that he doesnt even really use. The guy lives in Ottawa, hours away, but still devoted his time in to help out the best way he could for being so far..... I’ve read the comments towards him made by JB, to accuse him of trying to cheat the town’s people and rip us off??? But go figure, this is the same guy that accuse another person of stealing from the Legion!!! Yes that right Here the story, and guaranteed most people didnt even know. But at one time the legion was losing money, losing soo much money that they were on the verge of going bankrupt. This town has one of the last few legions up and running. So our legion going under. So they decided to bring in someone to see WTF is going wrong. WHITHIN A YEAR, this guy had the legion out of the red! Now a few years later the legion is still going and actually in the green. And I mean in the green, I can be sure but it’s up there. ALL THANK TO THIS GUY TAKING OVER!!!! Now former mayor mister JB, the guy that didnt even last more than a year as mayor!!!!!, has the nerve to accuse the guy that saved the legion a thief, and is stealing money from the legion............. Now I know I might not be the smartest person in the world, but any dummy can figure out at if anyone was steeling, it would have been the ones in charge prior to the new guy........... and it’s this same guy that thinks hes in-charge of SAVE THE BRIDGE GROUP I’m sorry call me the world’s biggest A$$O... whatever I really dont care. This town has been lied to so many times. I won’t even go there as I am trying to keep the negativity towards the town and council down. But this just pisses me off. I’ve repeatedly asked a question to, How is it that the bridge was safe for transports to cross a few months ago, but, all of a sudden it’s said to be completely unsafe for any passenger vehicles, even ATVs...? This is what I mean by complete BS, and anyone who’s ever worked construction, road work would actually know this, Go ask an engineer!!! If a bridge is considered unsafe for anything over 5 tons something like that, it will still pass for vehicles under 5tons. For at least the next 5 year, unless the fixed it But to be said to being unsafe for not even a ATV, then that means they put those drivers at risk in the log trucks crossing it a few months back…. Their estimate of costing 5 million to fix is the estimate for making it safe for up to 20 tons, or whatever those log trucks weigh. So if they were trying to help the town, then it would actually only cost about a million to make it safe for up to 5 tons. This is why I sat Resolute doesn’t care what so ever about our town. And for only have 150 employees, this isn’t all that much considering the size of our town, and with all the mines running. So yes please stop their chip trucks from destroying our roads. OH yes it’s not the town that maintains the road, it’s the MTO????? RRReaaally where does the money come from that pays the MTO!!!! I would think the tax payers. But since there not giving the north any money for this. Why let them tier it up and have us destroy our vehicles, but whatever I wasn’t at the bridge yelling save the bridge, so I guess this means I don’t know anything……. One thing is for sure, there are people that hate me, and here I am trying to help find ways to save the Trestle, but once the Trestle is long gone, these same people will hate me. Only I won’t give a FAWK!!!!!. PS if you dont like anything I said here, please use your curser to click on the settings and delete me....... I promise I wont miss not talking to you anyways! With all this being said, Mitch Proulx has made a new group, and I fully support him , and I hope the rest of you will also. cheers
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 21:02:53 +0000

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