I can’t even begin to imagine the heartbreaking pain and - TopicsExpress


I can’t even begin to imagine the heartbreaking pain and devastation that the young military couple in Hawaii went through when the Secret Service asked them to hold their wedding a few feet away from their originally-chosen spot on the beach. I mean, can you imagine their trembling hands as they went through the gut-wrenching task of constructing the blanket text that would inform all their friends and family of the harrowing news that they would need to park at the next beach access instead of the one near the 16th hole? And I do understand that they weren’t asked to move from one church to a church across town after having already decorated the first church and after having sent out invitations with directions to the first church; I know they merely had to meet-up at one undecorated spot on the beach instead of another undecorated spot on the beach but, this bride and groom will undoubtedly be traumatized for the rest of their lives. Meanwhile, back in the real world, where daily living is not dictated by the faux outrage du jour of conservatives suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome, there are families hoping to be among the “lucky” ones, who retrieve a DNA-identified body part of their loved one from the ocean, so they will at least have a partial body to lay to rest. Nice priorities, conservatives. When President Obama finished his game of golf and was told – for the first time – about the Secret Service asking the couple to hold their wedding further down the beach, he personally called them and apologized, telling them he would have simply skipped the 16th hole had someone told him about their wedding plans. They were still in their wedding attire as a family member videotaped them talking and giggling on the phone with President Obama. So they went from a ho-hum wedding, one of thousands on the beaches of Hawaii, to having an internationally-famous wedding with videotaped presidential congratulations.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 19:04:05 +0000

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