I challenge every one to make a gratitude list for 2014 and even - TopicsExpress


I challenge every one to make a gratitude list for 2014 and even today... What are you greatful for? My small Gratitude list for 2014 Grateful to: For God who took me from the pit of addiction into a life of recovery Christ who died on the cross for my sins and for me to walk in His fullness of Joy my son being able to buy him gifts being able to play with my son being called dad being made feel as if I am a hero the way he holds me to smell his hair when he lies ion my chest to watch my son as he moves and breathes to watch his eyes as he smiles when he sees something he wants to be able to sleep next to that little body and kiss him while he visits me for airplanes cause he loves them so much and gives him joy tobikes cause they just give me a thrill to ride and to see his face the faster we go and how he screams with joy that my ex wife has finally I hope met a nice guy that is stable and neat that my son can grow up in a good home when he is not with me, I only hope they grow closer to God as a family too for my parents for the unending love uncompromising unconditional love and grace and the passion you guys have for seeing me succeed in this life Wake up in the morning and not have a hangover wake up in the morning and having energy waking up in the morning being able to smell clearly and smell the new day and what it brings going to be bed feeling complete going to bed feeling that I have made it well and have gone through another successful day going to bed being able to lie peacefully without pain hurt wonder desire unmet and unfulfilled without my conscious killing me when I had episodes of consciousness, for prayer all the prayer that I have received from friends and family esp family that have brought me through the hard times esp in 2014 beginning year and those who still pray and trust for even more breakthrough for an amazing sponsor who has become a friend and his family for accepting me as their own and how I miss them when I am not with them for friends that I met, true friends outside of addiction who are there for me through thick and thin for the people I never knew even cared who stuck with me through all my life drama and p[ain and are still there just in the background but who never left me for sunshine to know its a new day a new chance to do right and to give my all for the star light and moon, what beautiful sight to look up to and just get lost in the awe of who God is and what he has made for boats dams and fishing(not my fav sport) but to nights making fools of ourselves at the water with my sponsor a job I have money to buy food I have not gone to bed hungry once to spoil my kid with what little I have that is more than enough for me for a bakkie to travel and not have to walk every where a cell phone to call my son sponsor parents and stay connected to those who I care about clothes I have clothes on my back I have not once not had new clothes to wear a warm bed to sleep in a roof over my head Health I am training for Triathlons which in itself is a miracle as I could not get off my ass cause I was drinking and using so much Swimming pools Virgin Active it made me feel alive the second I hit the pool again water that gives life to me as soon as I sip it down every day I am grateful that I am able to drink clean fresh water and swim it it shower in it make mine feel amazing and clean and just refreshed and new For my classic car even though I gave it to my dad for Christmas it was such a joy to work on it with my dad to renovate it and restore it and was a pleasure every second I got into it to drive it and made me feel truly amazing I am thankful to be in the city and not in a small town anymore and to be surrounded by so many things to do and to have options in churches coffee bars and so much more I am thankful for people who either remind me of who I was and not to go back and those who remind me of who I want to be like and strive to be and who always see the best in me and that is not afraid to correct me where I make mistakes. Trees and scenery nothing I love more than coming over the hill driving from home to work in the morning and being able to see the tree tops and the views and realise how Big and Majestic my God is who made all of this... Vita-Thion for giving me the energy daily that I need... Haha Watches I absolutely love watches even though I cannot afford half the ones I want man they nice to look at esp when I am able to buy a nice watch for myself which I do every now and then hahaha Cars I love looking at beautiful cars someday they actually make m e a little depressed cause I wish I had one, haha but I cannot imagine my life without beautiful cars Houses same as cars, I love looking at beautiful houses man they fill me with desire and passion yes the too can make me a little depro, but only for a second, cause I actually love driving having a ice cream or a milkshake and watching cars debating ion who lives there etc and that I am grateful for... Music, Oh how I love music the sound the beat the passion the sense the feeling the emotion the glory if music Arts, I love stage productions art paintings seeing creativity brings joy into my soul and makes me happy when I see people use their talents and make a success of that they do Music Instruments.... I love playing the piano eve through I dont own one as soon as my fingers run through the keys I feel like I could write a thousand songs the same goes for guitars etc Worship music wow.. man now that touches my heart being able to our out my heart to God say that I love Him say that I need Him tell Him I messed up but He is all I desire there is truly no greater feeling My bible, I try and not go a day without reading it and not just reading it studying it.... If I skip it like I do some days I feel lost disconnected and I cannot wait to read it again as I type this I skipped last night but I woke up and loved every minute in it starting the day with fuel for my soul Touch Smell Hearing Taste Eyesight wow what a blessing to have all my senses to taste good food see beauty hear music touch what I love and smell the fragrances that please all the senses.... I have many more small things but this is just a small list of the things I am grateful for daily in my life... That I can notice daily as I move through my life and all I love for is today and hence I will enjoy today to the full.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 10:25:19 +0000

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