...I checked my messages at about 4 am just because I got up and - TopicsExpress


...I checked my messages at about 4 am just because I got up and couldnt go back to sleep...whatever...anyhow there was one just written by a girl whom I had just met at a friends establishment not long ago and offered to walk her to a store...it was dark and there are creepers out there...anyhow...I did...because any gentleman should...we reuturned and her and her friend she was with left..They were not from this area...in the message she said she needed a friend like right now in a bad way...I said I am your friend and asked if she was all right...she said the love of her life has been destroyed again...and I said those things happen everyday...I asked if there was anything I could do to help...she said she was crying and asked if I could take that...I said the only thing I cant handle is too much wasabi on my egg roll...I told her she was welcome to call me if it would help to talk to someone...I must have dozed off for a second....there was no response...I asked if she was ok...no response...so I went off to read till I fell asleep again...This afternoon in my feed I saw that her friend had found her deceased in her bed this morning...I can only imagine how she passed...still hoping its not true...did she go out while I was talking to her...my wish is that I could have spoken with her on the phone...maybe the outcome would have been different...I am here for anyone...open door policy...If I can help I will...I been down a lot of filthy streets and look forward to giving anyone directions around those places if they let me...Bang On...
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 22:29:39 +0000

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