I choose to teach and show my children that a life of sin can be - TopicsExpress


I choose to teach and show my children that a life of sin can be redeemed. They get to see first hand how God is working in my life! How humbling! I give all the glory to Him! I am proud to say that I am learning of the hard working, couragous, valiant people of the Bible so that I can model these people to the best of my ability and show my children how to be strong, even when I am feeling my weakest. I can show them how God loves on the meek and when we believe Him, all of our needs will be met and He will put us right where we are meant to be. I may not be living up to someone elses standards. Someone may think that I am wrong for some of my decisions. You are likely right about some of that but who are you? I know that I spend quality time with God in prayer and in His Word and seek counsel in the right places. I have made the best commitment I could have ever made for my life, so what someone else thinks really doesnt matter to me. I know that at this point in my life, I am lined up with Gods will for my life. Thats doesnt mean that I wont see another struggle and it doesnt mean that I know what will or could happen next, but I do KNOW that I am listening to who matters, who I trust with all my heart, soul, and strength, the One who I know will never betray me or forsake me, who will carry me though every single step of my life. Other peoples opinions on how I live my life and raise my children is irrelevant. If you are talking about me and its not bringing glory to God, then you really shouldnt be saying anything at all.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 12:39:02 +0000

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