I come again and bring up the issue which is taking a large part - TopicsExpress


I come again and bring up the issue which is taking a large part of my thinking module nowadays, viz. Brain-mind problem. The mind-brain debate has been going for more than twenty centuries. Historically, it is one of the most important debates ever. It starts with Plato and Socrates in the classical age of Greece and Descartes before the Age of Enlightenment in Europe. The debats door is still widely open, that is, scientists have not reached justified and tested conclusions yet about the phenomenon. In other words, what is known, within the scientific community, as the scientific rigour. This debate, in my opinion, will remain mysterious untill a non-human scientist comes and deals with it :) . I have reasons, which I will not mention at the moment, why I said so. This does not imply that we should not dare and reflect on it. One Fundamental Position regarding the Mind-Brain Problem is presented here, namely Dualism. The term was introduced in an earlier article accompanied with an opposing view. Dualism, known formally as Cartesian Dualism, says that the human mind and brain are separate, tow distinct entities. Metaphorically, I understood this claim as the mind being the driver of a vehicle and the brain is the vehicle itself. The Physical matter, including the body and brain, behaves according to the laws of nature, and is thus suitable for scientific investigation. The human mind (soul, self, or spirit), which controls human behavior, lacks physical substance, thus obeys no natural laws. As a back up to this claim, the psychic-mediumship-afterlife investigator Victor Zammit in his book A LAWYER PRESENTS THE EVIDENCE FOR THE AFTERLIFE, claims that the physical brain is not the mind. The physical brain dies when the physical body dies, but the mind survives physical death. Victor Zammit, in his book, argues the existing of a life after death (which is something, as a muslim, I beleive in before I read Zammits book). He argues that the evidence for survival can be used to show the separate existence of the mind. Of coursre, the existence of the MIND separate from the brain is itself evidence for life after death.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 19:52:34 +0000

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