I come from a (sort of) military family. My father was in the - TopicsExpress


I come from a (sort of) military family. My father was in the Marines during the Cuban Missal Crisis, My husband, Bruce E Johnson, was in Navy from 1973-1975(Southeast Asia). I have one son who is in the Air force and another one in the army. I am trying to be a health advocate for my hubby (he went for cancer tx in Albany almost 2 weeks ago. Having urinary pain(deep ache) and going every 30 mins. He has called the PCP at the VA, they never called. The oncologist(in buffalo) says this is a normal reaction to the seeding because the prostate swells(Albany doc says it doesnt). I said he is having bladder spasms(no one but the ER doc agrees with me at the VA). After surgery, Bruce was in recovery and NO ONE looked at him or came near him for ONE HOUR. We mentioned to the Albany doc that he came there out of our own pocket($200 for two trips to Albany to Buffalo). At hearing that, the Albany doc and his nurse said You got a $20,000 procedure that was paid for. If you went to Roswell, it would have cost you $40,000. REALLY?!! If illegal aliens can get free medical care, why cant our vets??? Why does it have to be such poor quality care??!! Lastly, VA, if this was one of your family members and YOU had 8 years of school as an NP and 20 years experience as a nurse, wouldnt YOU use your knowledge to ask questions and make sure YOUR loved one was being cared for properly???!!!! I am STILL SO ANGRY over how the VA has treated Bruce(like his pain and suffering do not matter) and how they have treated me( like I dont know my ass from a hole in the ground). I told Bruce that we should go to a local TV station and share our story. Thank you for listening. I am trying to make myself feel better.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 01:30:23 +0000

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