I come from a tradition of people who were highly intelligent - TopicsExpress


I come from a tradition of people who were highly intelligent though not degreed, by that I mean regular folks who understood how to use what they knew to provide for themselves, their family and their community-- that was intelligence. And if you happened to find a way to marry that intelligence with mud and root wisdom and a kind of spiritual potency that helped others see the world in bolder ways that freed our imaginations to envision newer, fuller freedoms, well that was genius. I am not alone, many of us-- perhaps most of us-- have been breastfed by this tradition. Those of us who were sent off to get university degrees were not sent off to become brilliant or intelligent- we were that before we stepped on any campus. We were sent to gain skills, expertly learnt and skillfully applied to the problems that confronted our people. Evidence of genius is in the amelioration of our peoples conditions, evidence of our beauty is in our service. The degrees were merely signals to the folks that we had disciplined ourselves and made the necessary sacrifices-- and some cases survived the killing fields-- to return to our communities, wherever they were or wherever we found them, and work with those who stayed, to collectively work to share skills expertly learnt, skillfully applied and married with mud and root wisdom and a spiritual potency that helps others see the world in bolder ways that free our imaginations. Our degrees are not passports to bigger houses, more expensive cars, tv appearances, or unstated escape routes for those seeking refuge away from our folks, they are ancestral permission slips written in tears, blood and sweat. It is our people across the ages conferring upon us their seal of approval, saying to us: We are proud you came from us. You have done the initiatory work to prepare yourself to serve, and in so doing, you have added meaning to our sacrifices. It is a beautiful damn struggle. Its not easy, but striving to achieve genius daily rarely is. We are the ones we have been waiting for.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 09:32:17 +0000

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