I commented on Betsy Messinghams post so she set me the task of - TopicsExpress


I commented on Betsy Messinghams post so she set me the task of saying a number of (she gave me eight) facts about myself.... comment on mine and Ill set you a number if you want. I mean theres no hard and fast rule saying you have to. I wont hold you to it - so comment away and only those that request will get one. 1. Not a fan of smoking, in fact the only things I liked smoked are bacon or salmon. 2. I genuinely worry that I am starting to go blind. My eyesight has decreased considerably over the last couple of years and I can no longer read the print in your bulk standard comics and can no longer play snooker. An operation looks increasingly on the cards. 3. I’m a relatively prolific songwriter. When I’m in the right frame of mind I probably write three complete songs a week. So over the past decade that would mean 52 x 3 x 10 – but I rarely have the time to record them to broadcast quality – so I’ve got hard disks, CDs and SD cards chocka with unfinished demos. 4. Heroes. Never really have any heroes other than those I’m related to or friends with. I don’t get excited by celebrities and it’s been a long time since I really admired anyone enough to call myself a fan. I admire some actors but without the script, editors, production crew etc. what are they but someone just doing their job and I can’t get excited by that. Try adopting the same enthusiasm for someone working in the till at Tesco and you just get chucked out. 5. I love TV but can live without it. I’m getting increasingly irked at how much the likes of Virgin and Sky charge to view what’s pretty much available on freeview and the web. Can’t see their monopoly or charging model lasting much longer. If it weren’t for the kids I’d have cancelled the subscription years ago. 6. Biggest pet hate is when an actor playing a character in a tv show starts appearing outside of the show still as the person. For example Matt Smith playing the Doctor to camera in trailers or on charity events or Alan Partridge playing Steve Coogan in interviews. 7. I’ve never seen Top Gun or Fight Club but have seen Star Wars and Empire Strikes back easily over a thousand times over the years. Fave film without question is The Shawshank Redemption. 8. I used to scoff at the idea that life begins at 40. However since hitting that age my life has changed massively and has given me the opportunity to do the things I’ve always wanted: I’ve gone part time and working locally which means more family time (money’s never been my driving force); I’m DJ’ing on the radio; I’m finally overcoming my stagefright which has previously stopped me previously from performing or singing live; I’m studying too and have several creative outlets which also help me make my small mark on this planet to say, “I was here.”
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 11:58:50 +0000

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