I completely stole this post from my friend Melissa Dunham - TopicsExpress


I completely stole this post from my friend Melissa Dunham Winzeler. I agree with all of it! Today is the day that the state of Texas sets out to prove--by use of a wicked hard test--that Texas students are ignorant, lazy, and non-English speakers. Consequently, their teachers must also be lazy, unqualified and inept. Education is the only profession in Texas that must demonstrate 100% mastery this year. Police do not have to submit reports that all criminal activity has ceased, and dentists do not have to verify that all their patients are cavity-free. Its quite ridiculous sounding, actually. Well, at least it is to a logical person. For those of you not in education, today I ask 3 things of you: 1. Pray fervently for the success of our students and their teachers in the face of an undignified test. 2. Take this opportunity to write your representatives and let them know how much you disapprove of standardized testing. 3. Recognize that great schools and inspired learners and future inventors dont come from factories. Its time to rethink what we are preparing kids for. It shouldnt be a standardized exam, but rather the world they are entering.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 14:50:21 +0000

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