I completely understand what all are attempting to defend. First - TopicsExpress


I completely understand what all are attempting to defend. First and foremost murder is flat out wrong. Defining such an act while many times can be relatively simple - there are also those instances when it is not so simple. While it seems in this instance defining intent is fairly clear... Lets just leave that at that for now. Nothing we can say or do about this situation is going to alter the outcome not one iota - or could it? Knowledge is always the key - stressing knowledge (objective) over ones emotional investment, and lets face it - from the comments weve all made if... IF we realize the need AND practice just for a few minutes reviewing most of the comments in this thread as a third-party-removed (objective position) we should be able to note the emotional over the knowledgeably stated comments. What we think is important. Yet our thinking is it founded upon emotion or does it rest in knowledge? This is something we all must individually - and as mentioned - really work hard sometimes to ask ourselves. When we dont we actually put the potential revelation of the truth at risk of remaining buried. Granted, tis not so easy to do - especially outward and after so much investment in ones feelings have been already expressed. Yet at least quietly to oneself this total honesty completely void of emotion must be visited. We all know the many times that we individually (really have a difficult time with this term - as really and truly our connection to the larger body of people is more the reality) have had our emotions not necessarily serve the greater good nor ourselves in the best possible way. Ah, hindsight being 20/20. Yet it has happened plenty and we all have wished we would have responded differently - more objectively. This situation is another opportunity to learn to upgrade our ability to be just that - objective. By now most of us have an inclination if not mounds of evidence - enough to know that on the world STAGE such acts of violence are not initially as they have appeared to be. It is extremely important for us who ought to be older and wiser (by now) to keep this awareness a priority! What most of us have been inculcated into believing and hence accepting is that there are some laws somewhere that support most of the beliefs we all tend to like to believe are in place and are there to protect us. Well nothing further from the truth can this be and is. We all have things of importance to share and add to to situations as unfortunate and may I say disgusting as this act where basically - good cops or not good cops we cannot know personally for certain. Again, what we believe is one aspect (small though it may be) and beyond this what we can know is that two innocent victims (police personnel) were the result of a very strange hit that has the color of plenty of situations in the recent past for us to make intelligent comparisons with. We do well in this case to maintain that this assassination of these individuals fits all to well with evidences not commonly known nor considered by many and generally has been - for the most part - relegated only to Hollywood movies unfortunately. Therefore under the awareness that we all have something to share and to add for consideration(s) may I digress seemingly for a moment - though it does have some value for our overall consideration. Has anyone ever read Lysander Spooners The Constitution of No Authority? Of course you havent just the title alone is miles from what weve been fed and believe. Yet IF you seek it out and read it (a hours read) youll begin to understand somethings though they are not easy to swallow they are logical and factual not fail to mention - practical to grasp. While Im quite certain no one will want to challenge their own beliefs (as emotion is a strong drink so-to-speak) - such a thing requires a great deal of honesty with oneself and most having enjoyed their illusions for many years now are not prepared to set belief (the lowest form of knowledge) aside for things that are not only a fact but as well very difficult to accept especially when pattens of delusion are the norm. Yet, for those that are not afraid to face themselves and embrace the truth about this corrupted document and many of the corrupted framers of it - once and for all - may I invite you to do so - please. Then there is the matter of Admiralty Law. You say what? Yes, it is true as the sky is blue and there is absolutely not one person that can prove that what police are require to fulfill is exactly that - a duty to 1st, the law and this law is Admiralty. The constitution of your dreams and of the dreams of so many is just that - a dream. Not a reality. There is much to play catch-up regarding this and if your interested drop me a note and Ill respond in kind with material that simply cannot be refuted. Im not saying that it cannot be refuted am I? Just that it cannot be ... simply. The reason Im not posting what I am offering here is obvious. Most are so emotionally invested in their opinions (already as this is the nature of reaction over objective response) they will not so much as even click the link. Nor do I want those who claim-to-care so much but really dont (because they have a delusion building steam) to ruin things further for others that do have an (objective) inclination that something is clearly wrong - though it has yet been revealed to them! The gold fringe around the flags in the local Admiralty Courts is not there to be cute. Also, your law enforcement agents - you call police are not here to protect you. You and I would love if that were the case. Sometimes it even SEEMS that way. However, FACTUALLY, it is not that way. They enforce Admiralty Law - period. And in order for you to grasp what is being shared (and this just may be the only time youll hear of this or have) you have to objectively admit you either have never considered this nor heard of it nor understand what is being said which is to then say to yourself ... this knowledge I do not have - the knowledge of the gold fringe and what it means to the beliefs Ive acquired AND why or how have I acquired them and from whom(?). Again, realizing you all do not understand this legal practice - of this land (hidden in plain view) it is also realized that you will either attempt to rebut or flat out reject this factual claim and can ONLY do so with emotion not with knowledge. Just remember when you do you do to yourself and yours and your neighbors and their detriment. Lastly there is psychological testing for law enforcement that happens before they get a badge. Before they get a badge they must meet certain criteria and this again is a criteria that the average citizen-slave (according to a correct knowledge of the revised 13th amendment this is exactly how we are seen by the corporation of the United States (Inc) ) a citizen-slave and graduate of their Compulsory Competitive Institutional Indoctrination SYSTEM is not privy to. However if you were privy to such knowledge you might be more than surprised. Yes you would have knowledge and this system we blindly support with bleeding heart belief that now has more people locked up into a privately controlled prison business than all the worlds prisons combined - would begin to make far more sense than almost one can handle! While the above may not seem to have any direct value to this disgusting and quite possibly orchestrated act of SEEMINGLY premeditated violence know this. That in order to control the minds of many and especially those given to emotional reactions 1st before knowledge and logic ever has the opportunity to speak - such situations can be not only orchestrated (by technology) but more directly engineered. There are mounds of evidence to support such a possibility, and for those that simply cannot set aside their knee-jerk reactions for something more substantive a knee-jerk reaction is actually a crime (in a sense) in a time of history where we all really need to look at as much evidence as we possibly can and that is IF we ever want to plug the holes in this sinking ship of state we are all riding in together. Lets us please acquire an attitude and a practice - even though such things as this have happened - of steadfast objectivity! This demands of us that no matter how we feel... for the future security and well being of the youth in this country - as well the world - ought to be able to count upon us until such time we have successfully imparted to them the IMPORTANCE of remaining calm yet, more... Objective! Let us at the very least (people/FBookrs) right now and from this period here-on-in keep our beliefs and emotions in check! How this is done is quite simply by acquiring and gaining knowledge! I am absolutely certain that things are rarely as they seem. I dont know about how you all feel about that however, at least since the Twin Towers snuff film and all the evidences of false-flag possibilities (lest we NEVER forget the Gulf of Tonkin as a prime example used to trick all of us into sending our young [51 thousand dead] into a foreign land to kill millions for a banker war!!!) that these things do in fact go on... have gone on and until we bone up on knowledge (which will require just a little bit of study) will assuredly continue! It is up to us the real we the people to do something about this madness. This Mind Virus which controls our emotions and has no use for our awareness and knowledge. Therefore as a foundation to help those of you who have yet to have certain information necessary to assist in processing the data (many times it is propaganda) it is of utmost importance to read completely and in its entirety the Greenbaum Speech linked immediately below. Actually a difficult as this may be to process it is understandable and it is necessary to keep in your tool pouch of knowledge for exactly situations we are trying to come to terms with about these police officers but more specifically the tool used to murder them. Please just read this speech. It is as you will see, IF you can remain focused - one of the most critical pieces of info you have ever read and apropos for the times. cassiopaea.org/2010/09/17/the-greenbaum-speech/ After reading the above then MAKE the time (again our collective awareness for future generations depends upon you/us MAKING this time) read the following article. You will not be sorry you did - again that is IF objectivity and real justice is of utmost importance to you over and above your emotions. Sincerely, sott.net/article/290487-Bizarre-execution-of-2-NYPD-cops-a-godsend-to-US-government-reeling-from-nationwide-protests-against-police-brutality
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 16:10:39 +0000

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