I confess to you today that I sometimes RUSH through my devotions - TopicsExpress


I confess to you today that I sometimes RUSH through my devotions in order to just get them done. Todays devotion really convicted me about making Jesus Lord of ALL....hmmmm...seems like Ive been hearing some messages about that very thing at River of Hope. Thank you, Pastors David and Will, for keeping that as our focus this year! If Hes not Lord OF ALL then Hes not Lord AT all. April 2, 2014 He is Waiting for You Mary Southerland Today’s Truth Now as they went on their way, He entered a certain village, where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home (Luke 10:38, NIV). Friend to Friend Balance always requires a fierce and ruthless examination of priorities. Our true priorities are not mere lists of activities completed or goals set, but candid reflections of our heart desires. What we deem important receives the most time, energy, attention and resources. The importance of right and balanced priorities is illustrated by the life of Martha. Jesus knew that He was always welcome in the home of Martha. Scripture tells us that Jesus “had no place to lay His head” but He often came to this home when He needed to rest or get away from the demanding crowds. At the age of thirty, the Son of God left His natural home and there is no record of His ever returning to live there. He often went to Bethany, to the house of Martha, Mary and Lazarus, and even spent His final week on earth there. Jesus didn’t have to wonder if He was welcome in this home or if Martha was “ready” for His presence. He knew she was. Can He say the same about us? Do we have the heart of a seeker, one who lives each day aware of God’s presence, His plan and His priorities? Seeking God begins with recognizing who He is and then inviting Him into our life as Lord and Savior. If He is not Lord of all, then He is not Lord at all. For some of us, the problem is not that we lack a personal relationship with God. Our problem is that we are not “making room” for that relationship. Balance comes when we yield to His plan in the everyday moments of life. We often relinquish control of our life to unworthy demands dictated by a world that operates in “urgent” gear. We forget what is really important. The important rarely barges in while the urgent is always an offensive intruder. The important waits patiently while the urgent demands its own way, creating bedlam and imbalance. Certainly, there are times when the important is also urgent – but we must learn to discern between the two. We wrongly conclude that a busy life is automatically a productive life and think that a full schedule will surely produce a full heart. I have great news! He loves who you are more than He loves what you do. Seek Him today. Make room for Him. He is waiting. Let’s Pray Father, I am too busy and sometimes I feel like my life is spinning out of control. I’m tired of the imbalance I see in the way I live. Help me learn how to establish priorities that please You and reflect Your plan for me. I commit to spending time with You each day, seeking Your wisdom and direction. I love You, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 12:47:27 +0000

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